

Séries charbonneuses dans des séquences rétrogradantes: cas du bassin houiller paralique westphalien de Jérada (Maroc)

L. CourelRachid Essamoud


PaleontologyPaleozoicCarboniferousFaciesOcean EngineeringSedimentary rockSedimentologyStructural basinEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsWestphalian sovereigntyGeologySea level


Abstract Several orders of stacked genetic sequences in the Westphalian C of the Jerada Basin are defined from detailed sedimentological data. Eight coal seams were formed in this paralic basin as distal facies passed laterally into proximal facies in retrogradational stages. These stages are related to base level rises that curtailed detrital influx and induced the development of swamps and the preservation of organic matter below anoxic water levels. The base level variations are related to active faulting along the basin margins and to sea level changes in the Palaeo-Tethys.
