L. Courel
Rift-controlled fluvial/tidal transitional series in the Oukai¨meden Sandstones, High Atlas of Marrakesh (Morocco)
Abstract The Carnian formation of the Oukai¨meden Sandstones was deposited in the northwestern corner of the African craton along tectonic troughs grouped as a WSW-ENE rift system on the southwestern margin of the Tethys. Red sandstones represent mainly distal braided-stream deposits where very extensive sand flats with 3D dunes, 2D sand waves and high-regime horizontally laminated sandstones predominate. The similarities in orientation between current patterns and trough border faulting, the sudden large variations in the thickness of deposits and the occurrence of lateral alluvial fans along the marginal faults are all evidence of the tectonic control of sedimentation. The middle part of …
Le bassin stéphanien des Cévennes (Massif Central) : un exemple de relation entre sédimentation et tectonique extensive tardi-orogénique dans la chaîne varisque
ResumeLa nature syn-sedimentaire des failles bordieres du bassin houiller stephanien des Cevennes est mise en evidence par la distribution des depots conglomeratiques et greseux de cone alluvial au pied des paleoreliefs de socle. Elle est egalement attestee par les fortes variations d’epaisseur caracterisant les niveaux greseux, silteux et de charbon se distribuant au centre des sous-bassins ainsi que par les directions centripetes d’apport sedimentaire.A l’echelle du bassin, la nature extensive de la structuration syn-sedimentaire est mise en evidence par des failles normales d’orientation NW-SE, NE-SW et NNW-SSE, a fort pendage, structurant les sous-bassins en demi-graben a geometrie sync…
Mid-Triassic to Early Liassic clastic/evaporitic deposits over the Maghreb Platform
Abstract The development of Triassic to Lower Liassic clastic/evaporitic series over the epicratonic Maghreb Platform is closely associated with the eastern opening of a Tethyan marine domain between Africa and Europe. West of the platform, Morocco became separated from North America in Late Triassic times by rifting along the axis of the Proto-Atlantic Ocean. In addition, NE–SW and ENE–WSW trending Atlasic half-grabens formed, essentially in Morocco, as part of a Late Triassic/Early Liassic Atlas rifting episode. This is the tectonic context in which the red bed to evaporite sequences were deposited. A first depositional pattern is illustrated by the areally extensive onlapping of Upper Tr…
Les grès inférieurs du Trias cévennol : systèmes sédimentaires fluviatiles et laguno-marins.
La série des Grès inférieurs du Trias cévenol s'organise en deux mégaséquences positives. La première débute par l'installation générale d 'un système fluviatile en tresse. La dynamique fluviatile s'affaiblit ensuite nettement (systèmes en tresse distaux ou rivière à forte sinuosité) tandis que vers l'aval et latéralement, des domaines lagunaires et laguno-marins, à tranche d'eau faible et permanente, s'installent progressivement et de façon plus prononcée au NE et au SW. La présence d'organismes marins (Echinodermes, ForaIninifères) est la preuve d 'une communication avec le milieu marin. La seconde mégaséquence débute également par un épisode fluviatile plus localisé géographiquement ou p…
Séries charbonneuses dans des séquences rétrogradantes: cas du bassin houiller paralique westphalien de Jérada (Maroc)
Abstract Several orders of stacked genetic sequences in the Westphalian C of the Jerada Basin are defined from detailed sedimentological data. Eight coal seams were formed in this paralic basin as distal facies passed laterally into proximal facies in retrogradational stages. These stages are related to base level rises that curtailed detrital influx and induced the development of swamps and the preservation of organic matter below anoxic water levels. The base level variations are related to active faulting along the basin margins and to sea level changes in the Palaeo-Tethys.
Organics versus clastics: conditions necessary for peat (coal) development
Abstract The absence or lack of detrital influx into ancient peat-forming swamps is critical to the formation of low-ash coal. Modern and ancient coal-forming swamps of continental basins show a separation of peat and clastic sediments which is partially fault controlled. In the African rift valleys as well as in the Stephanian intermontane coal basins of France, thick peat free from clastic input may be the result of tectonic activity. In the paralic basins of Morocco (Westphalian B) and Nigeria (Late Cretaceous) coal occur landward of the shoreline turnaround and are related to a relative high stand of the sea, which curtailed detrital influx into the basins. Thus, peat formation occurred…
Stages in the compaction of peat; examples from the Stephanian and Permian of the Massif Central, France
Thick coal seams in the intramontane basins of the Massif Central allow a detailed study of peat/coal compaction. Three stages of compaction can be detected. Stage 1—occurred during the deposition of the peat. Coal beds which thicken and dip away from penecontemporaneous sandstones suggest rapid compaction. Stage 2—compaction of peat related to overburden pressure in some cases resulted in the formation of lakes over peat beds. The thickness of the lacustrine deposits may give an indication of the amount of compaction that took place. One possibility is that the early compaction was related to the progradation of siliciclastics over the peat. Stage 3—occurred after the organic sediment achi…
A fault-related coalification anomaly in the Blanzy-Montceau Coal Basin (Massif Central, France)
Abstract The Stephanian intramontane Blanzy-Montceau Coal Basin is situated along a Variscan fault complex bordering the Upper Paleozoic Blanzy-Le Creusot-Bert graben. The deposition of coal-bearing strata was controlled by a complex of early faults known as the “Faille de Bordure” (FB, Border Fault). Another complex of Permian faults known as the “Faille de l'Est” (FE, Eastern Fault) is situated along the more central part of the coal basin. Coalification in the basin follows three main trends: (1) Increasing rank from upper to lower coal seams in accordance with a general vertical trend (Hilt, 1873). The gradient of volatile matter is higher than normal, ranging from 3% to I I% Vdaf per 1…