

Dall’accesso all’inclusione: per una gestione human centered del patrimonio architettonico

Maria Luisa GermanàCarmelo Cipriano


InclusionAccessibilityArchitectural heritageSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura


Within a wide disciplinary framework of technology, regardless of the specific ap- plication field, the aim of inclusion derives from awareness of the role of individuals and communities in the productive, transformative and conservative processes. In the latest developments of technological architectural design, both in the theoretical advances and in the operational experiences, inclusion is a topic of primary impor- tance. Many aspects of the traditional settlements contain manifold features of the current topic of inclusion, which meanings contribute to the social dimension of sustainability. The perspective of inclusion, also in the field of architectural heritage, requires a holistic approach based on considering both tangible and intangible elements, and understanding the whole of the social, economic, cultural and environmental factors that influences the local communities. The contrast between inclusion and exclusion depends on how the implicit values of technological practice are balanced. The paper describes the difference between accessibility and inclusion, with reference to the active role of visitors and of citizens. The need for a human-centered approach in all the phases of conservative and enhancement processes, from the programming to the management phase, is focused on. Following a research driven on three archaeological sites in Sicily and in Tunisia, the Hellenistic-Roman Quarter of Agrigento (IT) is presented as a thought-provok- ing case study to describe the meanings and the potentialities of inclusive processes of conservation and enhancement in the management of architectural heritage
