

States of 13C with abnormal radii

G. P. TyurinP. HeikkinenT.l. BelyaevaA. N. DanilovA. S. DemyanovaN. BurtebaevYu. B. GurovA. A. OgloblinS. V. KhlebnikovS. A. GoncharovD. JanseitovWladyslaw Henryk TrzaskaYu. G. Sobolev


Physicsta114010308 nuclear & particles physicsScatteringPhysicsQC1-999Nuclear Theorynuclear radiusState (functional analysis)Diffraction model01 natural sciencesmedicine.anatomical_structurecarbon-130103 physical sciencesmedicineNeutronHaloAtomic physics010306 general physicsGround stateNuclear ExperimentNucleus


Differential cross-sections of the elastic and inelastic 13C + α scattering were measured at E(α) = 90 MeV. The root mean-square radii () of 13C nucleus in the states: 8.86 (1/2−), 3.09 (1/2+) and 9.90 (3/2−) MeV were determined by the Modified diffraction model (MDM). The radii of the first two levels are enhanced compared to that of the ground state of 13C, confirming the suggestion that the 8.86 MeV state is an analogue of the Hoyle state in 12C and the 3.09 MeV state has a neutron halo. Some indications to the abnormally small size of the 9.90 MeV state were obtained. peerReviewed
