

The different fates of a low-mass X-ray binary - I. Conservative mass transfer

G. LavagettoT. Di SalvoF. D'antonaLuciano BurderiR. IariaN. R. Robba


PhysicsSolar massGravitational waveAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaAstrophysics (astro-ph)X-ray binaryFOS: Physical sciencesAstronomy and AstrophysicsAstrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic AstrophysicsAstrophysicsAstrophysicsAccretion (astrophysics)Black holeNeutron starrelativity binaries: close stars: neutron pulsars: general X-rays: binariesPulsarSpace and Planetary ScienceAstrophysics::Solar and Stellar AstrophysicsAstrophysics::Earth and Planetary AstrophysicsStellar evolutionAstrophysics::Galaxy Astrophysics


We study the evolution of a low mass x-ray binary coupling a binary stellar evolution code with a general relativistic code that describes the behavior of the neutron star. We assume the neutron star to be low--magnetized (B~10^8 G). In the systems investigated in this paper, our computations show that during the binary evolution the companion transfers as much as 1 solar mass to the neutron star, with an accretion rate of 10^-9 solar masses/yr. This is sufficient to keep the inner rim of the accretion disc in contact with the neutron star surface, thus preventing the onset of a propeller phase capable of ejecting a significant fraction of the matter transferred by the companion. We find that, for neutron stars governed by equations of state from soft up to moderately stiff, an accretion induced collapse to a black hole is almost unavoidable. The collapse to a black hole can occur either during the accretion phase or after the end of the mass transfer when the neutron star is left in a supramassive sequence. In this last case the collapse is driven by energy losses of the fast spinning radio pulsar. For extremely supramassive neutron stars these energy losses cause a spin up. As a consequence the pulsar will have a much shorter lifetime than that of a canonical radio pulsar. This behavior depends on the equation of state for ultra-dense matter and therefore could be used to constrain the internal structure of the neutron star. If the r-modes of the neutron star are excited during the accretion process, the gravitational waves emisson limits the maximum spin attainable by a NS to roughly 2 ms. In this case the collapse during the accretion phase is even more common since the maximum mass achievable before the collapse to a black hole during accretion is smaller due to the limited spin frequency.
