

The vehicle as a source and consumer of information : collection, dissemination and data processing for sustainable mobility

Sara Mehar


Sustainable mobilityEnergy consumptionDéploiement d'infrastructuresInfrastructure deploymentMobilité durable[INFO.INFO-NI] Computer Science [cs]/Networking and Internet Architecture [cs.NI]Dissémination et routage dans les réseaux de véhiculesVéhicule électriquesConnected mobilityMobilité connectéElectric vehicleConsommation d'énergieRouting and dissemination


Today, vehicles have become more sophisticated, intelligent and connected. Indeed, they are equipped with sensors, radars, GPS, communication interfaces and high processing and storage capacities. They can collect, process and communicate information related to their working conditions and their environment forming a vehicular network. The incorporation of communication technologies on vehicles garnered a huge attention of industry, government authorities and standardizations organizations and opened the way for innovative applications that revolutionized the automotive market with the main goals to ensure safety on roads, increase transport efficiency and provide comfort to drivers and passengers. In addition, transportation is still an actively evolving sector. More sustainable means of transportation such as electric vehicles are introduced progressively to the automotive market with new challenges related to energy consumption and environment preservation that remain to be solved. Many research investigations and industrial projects are done to exploit the advantages of information and communication technologies (ICT) to fit with transportation challenges. However, having connected and cooperative vehicles creates a highly dynamic network characterized by frequent link breaks and message losses. To cope with these communication limitations, this thesis focuses on two major axis: (i) connected vehicle or connected mobility and (ii) sustainable mobility. In the first part of this thesis, data dissemination, collection and routing in vehicular networks are addressed. Thus, a new dissemination protocol is proposed to deal with frequent network fragmentation and intermittent connectivity in these networks. Then, a new deployment strategy of new communication infrastructure is developed in order to increase network connectivity and enhance the utilization of the network resources. Finally, a new routing protocol, for delay-sensitive applications, that uses the optimized infrastructure deployment is proposed. The second part focuses on sustainable mobility with a focus on electric vehicles and with the main objective is to reduce pollution issues and make better use of energy. A new architecture for electric vehicles fleet management is proposed. This latter uses the implemented protocols of the first part of this thesis in order to collect, process and disseminate data. It helps to overcome the limitations related to short autonomy of electric vehicles. Then, to meet energy balance challenges, a new deployment scheme for electric vehicles charging stations is developed. This solution helps to satisfy drivers’ demands in term of energy while taking into account available resources.
