

Self-reported antibiotic stewardship and infection control measures from 57 intensive care units: An international ID-IRI survey

Rehab El-sokkaryHakan ErdemRavina KullarAbdullah Umut PekokFatma AmerSvjetlana GrgićBiljana CarevicAmani El-kholyAnna LiskovaMehmet ÖZdemirEjaz Ahmed KhanYesim Uygun KizmazNenad PandakNirav PandyaJurica ArapovićRıdvan KaraaliNefise OztoprakMichael M. PetrovRami AlabadlaHandan AlayJehan Ali El KholyCaroline LandelleReham KhedrDhruv MamtoraGorana DragovacRicardo FernandezEmine Unal EvrenLul RakaAntonio CascioNicolas DaubyAhsen OnculSafak Ozer BalinYasemin CagNatalia DiraniMustafa DoganIrina Magdalena DumitruMaha Ali GadIlad Alavi DarazamBehrouz NaghiliRosa Fontana Del VecchioMonica LickerAndrea MarinoNasim AkhtarMostafa KamalGoffredo AngioniDeana MedićAliye EsmaoğluSzabo Balint GergelyAndré Silva-pintoLurdes SantosIonela Larisa MiftodeRecep TekinPhunsup WongsurakiatMumtaz Ali KhanYesim KurekciHema Prakash PilliKrsto GrozdanovskiEgidia MiftodeRusmir BaljicSerhat UysalHaluk VahabolguJordi Rello


:Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Data Collection::Surveys and Questionnaires [ANALYTICAL DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES AND EQUIPMENT]EpidemiologyIntensive Care UnitInfection controlAmerica:acciones y usos químicos::acciones farmacológicas::usos terapéuticos::antiinfecciosos::antibacterianos [COMPUESTOS QUÍMICOS Y DROGAS]Multidrug resistanceCommunicable DiseasesEnquestesPan drug resistanceCommunicable DiseaseAntimicrobial StewardshipSurveys and QuestionnairesAnti-Bacterial AgentHumansMedicaments antibacterians - Ús terapèuticStewardshipSurveys and QuestionnaireSocietyUnitats de cures intensivesCross-Sectional StudieInfection ControlCross InfectionPreventionPublic Health Environmental and Occupational Health:técnicas de investigación::métodos epidemiológicos::recopilación de datos::encuestas y cuestionarios [TÉCNICAS Y EQUIPOS ANALÍTICOS DIAGNÓSTICOS Y TERAPÉUTICOS]General MedicineMDROAnti-Bacterial AgentsIntensive Care Units:Health Care Facilities Manpower and Services::Health Facilities::Hospital Units::Intensive Care Units [HEALTH CARE]Cross-Sectional StudiesInfectious Diseases:instalaciones servicios y personal de asistencia sanitaria::centros sanitarios::unidades hospitalarias::unidades de cuidados intensivos [ATENCIÓN DE SALUD]:Chemical Actions and Uses::Pharmacologic Actions::Therapeutic Uses::Anti-Infective Agents::Anti-Bacterial Agents [CHEMICALS AND DRUGS]Self ReportMDROsLow- and upper-middle and high incomeHuman


Infection control; Multidrug resistance; Stewardship Control de infección; Resistencia a múltiples fármacos; Administración Control d'infecció; Resistència a múltiples fàrmacs; Administració We explored the self-reported antibiotic stewardship (AS), and infection prevention and control (IPC) activities in intensive care units (ICUs) of different income settings. A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online questionnaire to collect data about IPC and AS measures in participating ICUs. The study participants were Infectious Diseases–International Research Initiative (IDI-IR) members, committed as per their institutional agreement form. We analyzed responses from 57 ICUs in 24 countries (Lower-middle income (LMI), n = 13; Upper-middle income (UMI), n = 33; High-income (HI), n = 11). This represented (~5%) of centers represented in the ID-IRI. Surveillance programs were implemented in (76.9%−90.9%) of ICUs with fewer contact precaution measures in LMI ones (p = 0.02); (LMI:69.2%, UMI:97%, HI:100%). Participation in regional antimicrobial resistance programs was more significantly applied in HI (p = 0.02) (LMI:38.4%,UMI:81.8%,HI:72.2%). AS programs are implemented in 77.2% of institutions with AS champions in 66.7%. Infectious diseases physicians and microbiologists are members of many AS teams (59%&50%) respectively. Unqualified healthcare professionals(42.1%), and deficient incentives(28.1%) are the main barriers to implementing AS. We underscore the existing differences in IPC and AS programs’ implementation, team composition, and faced barriers. Continuous collaboration and sharing best practices on APM is needed. The role of regional and international organizations should be encouraged. Global support for capacity building of healthcare practitioners is warranted.
