Measurement of the Effective b quark Fragmentation Function At the Z resonance
Buskulic DCasper DDebonis IDecamp DGhez PGoy CLees JpLucotte AMinard MnOdier PPietrzyk BAriztizabal FChmeissani MCrespo JmEfthymiopoulos IFernandez EFernandezbosman MGaitan VGarrido LMartinez MOrteu SPacheco APadilla CPalla FPascual APerlas JaSanchez FTeubert FColaleo ACreanza DDepalma MFarilla AGelao GGirone MIaselli GMaggi GMaggi MMarinelli NNatali SNuzzo SRanieri ARaso GRomano FRuggieri FSelvaggi GSilvestris LTempesta PZito GHuang XLin JOuyang QWang TXie YXu RXue SZhang JZhang LZhao WBonvicini GCattaneo MComas PCoyle PDrevermann HEngelhardt AForty RwFrank MHagelberg RHarvey JJacobsen RJanot PJost BKnobloch JLehraus IMarkou CMartin EbMato PMeinhard HMinten AMiquel ROest TPalazzi PPater JrPusztaszeri JfRanjard FRensing PSchlatter DSchmelling MSchneider OTejessy WTomalin IrVenturi AWachsmuth HWiedenmann WWildish TWitzeling WWotschack JAjaltouni ZBardadinotwinowska MBarres ABoyer CFalvard AGay PGuicheney CHenrard PJousset JMichel BMonteil SMontret JcPallin DPerret PPodlyski FProriol JRossignol JmSaadi FFearnley THansen JbHansen JdHansen JrHansen PhNilsson BsKyriakis ASimopoulou ESiotis IVayaki AZachariadou KBlondel ABonneaud GBrient JcBourdon PPassalacqua LRouge ARumpf MTanaka RValassi AVerderi MVideau HCandlin DjParsons MiFocardi EParrini GCorden MDelfino MGeorgiopoulos CJaffe DeAntonelli ABencivenni GBologna GBossi FCampana PCapon GChiarella VFelici GLaurelli PMannocchi GMurtas FMurtas GpPepealtarelli MDorris SjHalley AwTenhave IKnowles IgLynch JgMorton WtOshea VRaine CReeves PScarr JmSmith KSmith MgThompson AsThomson FThorn STurnbull RmBecker UBraun OGeweniger CGraefe GHanke PHepp VKluge EePutzer ARensch BSchmidt MSommer JStenzel HTittel KWerner SWunsch MBeuselinck RBinnie DmCameron WColling DjDornan PjKonstantinidis NMoneta LMoutoussi ANash JSanmartin GSedgbeer JkStacey AmDissertori GGirtler PKneringer EKuhn DRudolph GBowdery CkBrodbeck TjColrain PCrawford GFinch AjFoster FHughes GSloan TWhelan EpWilliams MiGalla AGreene AmKleinknecht KQuast GRaab JRenk BSander HgWanke RZeitnitz CAubert JjBencheikh AmBenchouk CBonissent ABujosa GCalvet DCarr JDiaconu CEtienne FThulasidas MNicod DPayre PRousseau DTalby MAbt IAssmann RBauer CBlum WBrown DDietl HDydak FGanis GGotzhein CJakobs KKroha HLutjens GLutz GManner WMoser HgRichter RRosadoschlosser ASchael SSettles RSeywerd HStierlin UStdenis RWolf GAlemany RBoucrot JCallot OCordier ACourault FDavier MDuflot LGrivaz JfHeusse PJacquet MKim DwLediberder FLefrancois JLutz AmMusolino GNikolic IPark HjPark IcSchune MhSimion SVeillet JjVideau IAbbaneo DAzzurri PBagliesi GBatignani GBettarini SBozzi CCalderini GCarpinelli MCiocci MaCiulli VDellorso RFantechi RFerrante IFoa LForti FGiassi AGiorgi MaGregorio AAlberto LusianiMarrocchesi PsMessineo ARizzo GSanguinetti GSciaba ASpagnolo PSteinberger JTenchini RTonelli GTriggiani GVannini CVerdini PgWalsh JBetteridge ApBlair GaBryant LmCerutti FGao YGreen MgJohnson DlMedcalf TMir LmPerrodo PStrong JaBertin VBotterill DrClifft RwEdgecock TrHaywood SEdwards MMaley PNorton PrThompson JcBlochdevaux BColas PDuarte HEmery SKozanecki WLancon ELemaire McLocci EMarx BPerez PRander JRenardy JfRosowsky ARoussarie ASchuller JpSchwindling JMohand DsA. TrabelsiVallage BJohnson RpKim HyLitke AmMcneil MaTaylor GBeddall ABooth CnBoswell RCartwright SCombley FDawson IKoksal ALetho MNewton WmRankin CThompson LfBohrer ABrandt SCowan GFeigl EGrupen CLutters GMinguetrodriguez JRivera FSaraiva PSmolik LStephan FVangemmeren PApollonio MBosisio LDellamarina RGiannini GGobbo BRagusa FRothberg JWasserbaech SArmstrong SrBellantoni LElmer PFeng ZFerguson DpsGao YsGonzalez SGrahl JHarton JlHayes OjHu HMcnamara PaNachtman JmOrejudos WPan YbSaadi YSchmitt MScott IjSharma VTurk JdWalsh AmWu SlWu XYamartino JmZheng MZobernig GRi Antonelli Antonella/c 6238 2011 Passalacqua Luca/f 5127 2011 Murtas Fabrizio/b 5729 2012 S.t. Denis Richard/c 8997 2012 Ferrante Isidoro/f 1017 2012 Sanchez Federico/f 5809 2012Luigi RolandiFranco Ligabuesubject
PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsMissing energyMeson010308 nuclear & particles physicsPhysicsElectron–positron annihilationHadronHigh Energy Physics::Phenomenology01 natural sciencesBottom quarkALEPH ExperimentNuclear physics0103 physical sciences[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]High Energy Physics::ExperimentNeutrino010306 general physicsNuclear ExperimentALEPH experimentParticle Physics - ExperimentLeptondescription
Using a sample of about 1.46 million hadronic Z decays collected between 1991 and 1993 with the ALEPH detector at LEP, the energy distribution of the B-0 and B-+/- mesons produced at the Z resonance is measured by reconstructing semileptonic decays B --> l nu(l)D(X) or B --> l nu(l)D*(+)(X). The charmed mesons are reconstructed through the decay modes D-0 --> K(-)pi(+), D-0, --> K(-)pi(+)pi(-)pi(+),D+ --> K(-)pi(+)pi(+), and D*(+) --> D-0 pi(+). The neutrino energy is estimated from the missing energy in the lepton hemisphere. Accounting for B* and B** production, the shape of the scaled energy distribution x(E)((b)) for mesons containing a b quark is compared to the predictions of different fragmentation models. The mean value of x(E)((b)) is found to be [x(E)((b))] = 0.715 +/- 0.007(stat) +/- 0.013(syst).
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1995-01-01 |