

Un capítol en l'ús de l'al·legoria en Ramon Llull: exegesi del capítol 354 del Llibre de contemplació

Josep Enric Rubio Albarracín




Allegory is one of the most interesting devices that Ramon Llull uses in Llibre de contemplacid to achieve the aim to present his doctrinal ideas in a persuasive manner. ln chapter 354, allegory takes the shape of a strange narration full ol symbolism, whose significance refers to the fight between virtues and vices, a conflict related to the opposition soul vs. body. In his Revelatio secretorum Artis, Salzinger presented this chapter as the key that allows the discovery of the secrets of Lullian Art. Salzinger's attributing the highest value to chapter 354 came from his parlicular understanding of thc role that «metaphor» plays in thc Lullian system of finding the truth. This work approaches the bases of Salzinger's considcration and proposes a new detailed interpretation of the meaning of the allegorical narrative of this chapter.
