

Temperamento y crianza en la construcción de la personalidad. conducta agresiva, inestabilidad y prosociabilidad [Effect of temperament and upbringing in personality, aggressive behaviour, instability and prosocial behaviour]

Ana TurMaría Victoria Del BarrioMaría Vicenta Mestre Escrivá


Close relationshipStatistical analyseslanguageStructural dimensionConducta prosocialGeneral MedicinePsychologyHumanitiesSocial psychologyValencianlanguage.human_language


Resumen La investigacion realizada persigue un doble objetivo. El primero se dirige a estudiar la relacion que se establece entre la estructura de la personalidad del adolescente y la manifestacion de la agresion, de la inestabilidad emocional y de la conducta prosocial. El segundo objetivo pretende analizar del peso que muestran los habitos de crianza en la emision de las conductas agresivas, inestables y prosociales. La muestra esta constituida por 531 adolescentes, chicos y chicas de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 anos, escolarizados en Centros Publicos y Concertados, que cursan la Etapa Educativa de la Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria. En atencion al procedimiento aleatorio, la muestra se ha recogido de las tres provincias de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los analisis estadisticos constatan la relacion entre la estructura de la personalidad, basada en la teoria de los Cinco Grandes (Big Five) y la agresion, la inestabilidad emocional y, la prosocialidad. Resalta la presencia de la dimension estructural de la personalidad y, en especial, de los factores de Amistad, Conciencia e Inestabilidad en la ocurrencia de las conductas agresivas, inestables y prosociales. En la dimension ambiental, los factores con mayor ascendencia han sido la Satisfaccion por la crianza y la Disciplina. Abstract The objective of this investigation is twofold. First, to study the relationship established between the structure of the teenager's personality andthe manifestation of adapted conducts, socially and emotionally (aggression, emotional instability and prosocial behaviour). Second, to analyze the importance of the environmental implicit factors in the upbringing, which are in direct opposition to the above mentioned structural factors of personality in the emission of aggressive, unstable and prosocial behaviour. The sample was constituted by 531 teenagers, boys and girls, between 12 and 16 years old, who were studying their Secondary Obligatory Education. The sample was gathered from al! the three provinces in the Valencian County. Besides, al! the school centres and students that participated in this research were picked randomly. The statistical analyses state that there is a close relationship between the structure of the personality -based upon the theory of Big Five- and aggressiqn, emotional instability and prosocial behavior. This highlights the presence of the structural dimension of personality and, especially, the factors of Friendship, Canscience and Instability in the case of aggressive, unstable and prosocial behaviours. As far as the atmosphere and environment that surrounds the pupils are concerned, the factors with higher ancestry were Satisfactian far upbringing and Discipline.
