

Muuttaako tekoäly osaamistarpeet?

Maarit Virolainen


palvelutuotantopalvelutkilpailukykyosaamisen kehittäminenteknologinen kehitystekoälyIndustry 4.0Teollisuus 4.0innovaatiotkoulutusosaaminenteknologiaälytekniikkaosaamistarveyhteiskunnallinen muutosteollisuusennakointi


Artificial intelligence will change the world of work and occupational profiles in the future. It will be combined with various forms of service production and industry. It may become vital even in unexpected jobs, like for a violin player of an orchestra through the co-operation with robots or utilization of software when looking for sheets related to specific tunes. In particular, the combinations of various new technologies may produce unexpected outcomes. The broad societal change is often referred to by the term Industry 4.0. It challenges educational institutions to anticipate competence demandsand provide adult education to help adaptation. In the field of technology, many studies have already been completed to explore future competencies. In the article, the identified competence demands are presented and discussed to inspire the curriculum development of the Finnish UAS. nonPeerReviewed
