

Efectividad del uso de las tic en la intervención educativa con estudiantes con TEA

Raúl Tárraga-mínguezXimena Vélez CalvoIrene Lacruz-pérezPilar Sanz-cervera


efectividad; herramientas TIC; intervención educativa; TEAHerramientas TICTEAEfectividadIntervención educativaASD; educational intervention; effectiveness; ICT toolsEffectivenessAutismeEducational interventionASDICT tools


The use of ICT has supposed a great advance in the field of educational intervention with students with ASD. The reviews carried out so far have included an analysis from a theoretical point of view, but have not provided evidence of the interventions effectiveness. Therefore, the aim of this work is to review some of the studies that have provided scientific evidence about the effectiveness of the use of ICT in educational intervention with children diagnosed with ASD. To this end, the results obtained are divided into four sections, which include: 1) the main reasons why some ICT tools can be considered good candidates to improve the education of these children; 2) what kind of ICTs have exactly been used in the interventions and what have been the aims; 3) a question about whether the interventions that use ICT are effective to achieve the proposed aims; and 4) what research methods have been used so far. Finally, some possible future lines of research are proposed, in addition to the conclusions drawn from the present review. The analysis included is useful for both, professionals who are involved in direct intervention with children with ASD, and professionals in the research world.
