

Gluon Polarisation in the Nucleon and Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetries from Open Charm Muoproduction

M. AlekseevadV. Y. U. AlexakhinhY. U. AlexandrovpG. D. AlexeevhAntonio AmorosoA. Austregisiliok RB. BadełekaeFerruccio BalestraJ. BallwJ. BarthdG. BaumaY. BedferwJ. BernhardnR. BertiniabM. BettinelliqR. BirsayJ. BisplinghoffcP. Bordalom 1F. BradamantezA. BravaryA. BressanzG. BronaaeE. BurtinwMaria Pia BussaA. ChapiroaaMichela ChiossoS. U. ChungrA. Cicuttiny AaM. ColantoniM. L. CrespoyS. Dalla TorreyT. DafniwS. DasgS. S. DasguptafO. Y. U. Denisovac 2L. DharagV. DiazyA. M. DinkelbachrS. V. DonskovvN. Doshitab AgV. DuiczW. DünnweberqA. EfremovhA. El AlaouiwP. D. EversheimcW. EyrichiM. FaesslerqA. Ferrero KM. Fingert M. Finger J. R. H.H. FischerjC. FrancomJ. M. FriedrichrR. GarfagniniF. GautheronaO. P. GavrichtchoukhR. GazdaaeS. Gerassimovp RR. GeyerqM. GiorgizB. GobboyS. Goertzb DS. GrabmüllerrO. A. GrajekaeAntonino GrassoB. GruberR. GushterskihA. GuskovhF. HaasrR. HagemannjD. Von HarrachnT. HasegawaoJ. HeckmannbF. H. HeinsiusjR. HermannnF. HerrmannjC. HeßbF. HinterbergercM. Von HodenbergjN. Horikawas 3C. H. HöppnerrN. D'hosewC. Ilgnerk QS. Ishimotos 4O. IvanovhY. U. IvanshinhT. IwataagR. JahncP. JasinskinG. JegouwR. JoostencE. KabußnW. KäferjD. KangjB. KetzerrG. V. KhaustovvY. U. A. KhokhlovvJ. KieferjY. U. KisselevaF. KleindK. KlimaszewskiaeS. KoblitznJ. H. KoivuniemibV. N. KolosovvE. V. Komissarovh 5K. KondobK. KönigsmannjI. Konorovp RV. F. KonstantinovvA. Korzenevn 2A. M. KotzinianhO. KouznetsovhK. KowalikaeM. KrämerrA. KraluZ. V. KroumchteinhR. KuhnrF. KunnewK. KurekaeJ. M. Le GoffwA. A. LednevvA. LehmanniS. LevoratozJ. LichtenstadtxT. LiskauA. MaggioraMarco MaggioraA. MagnonwG. K. MallotkA. MannrC. MarchandwJ. MarronclewA. MartinzJ. MarzecafF. MassmanncT. MatsudaoA. N. Maximovh 5W. MeyerbT. MichigamiagY. U. V. MikhailovvM. A. MoinesterxA. Mutterj NA. NagaytsevhT. NagelrJ. NassalskiaeS. NegrinicF. NerlingjS. NeubertrD. NeyretwV. I. NikolaenkovA. G. OlshevskyhM. Ostrickd NA. PadeeafR. PanknindS. PanebiancowD. PanzieriB. ParsamyanabS. PaulrB. Pawlukiewicz KaminskaaeE. PerevalovahG. PesarozD. V. PeshekhonovhG. PiraginoS. PlatchkovwJ. PochodzallanJ. Polakl ZV. A. PolyakovvG. PontecorvohJ. PretzdC. QuintansmJ. F. RajotteqS. Ramosm 1V. RapatskyhG. ReicherzbD. ReggianikA. RichteriF. RobinetwE. RoccoabE. RondioaeD. I. RyabchikovvV. D. SamoylenkovA. SandaczaeH. Santosm 1M. G. SapozhnikovhS. SarkargI. A. SavinhG. SbrizzazP. SchiavonzC. SchilljL. Schmittr 6W. SchröderiO. Y. U. ShevchenkohH. W. SiebertnL. SilvamL. SinhagA. N. SissakianhM. SluneckahG. I. SmirnovhStefano SosioF. SozzizA. SrnkaeM. Stolarskiae KM. SulclR. SulejafS. TakekawazS. TessaroyF. TessarottoyA. TeufeliL. G. TkatchevhG. VenugopalcM. ViriusuN. V. VlassovhA. VossenjQ. WeitzelrK. WenzljR. WindmoldersdW. WiślickiaeH. WollnyjK. ZarembaafM. ZavertyaevpE. ZemlyanichkinahM. ZiembickiafJ. Zhaon YN. ZhuravlevhA. Zvyaginq


Nuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsMesonHigh Energy Physics::LatticeNuclear TheoryFOS: Physical sciences01 natural sciences7. Clean energyHigh Energy Physics - ExperimentNuclear physicsMomentumHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)Spin0103 physical sciencesCharm (quantum number)010306 general physicsNuclear ExperimentSpin-½Quantum chromodynamicsPhysicsMuon010308 nuclear & particles physicsHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyInelastic muon scatteringAsymmetryGluonInelastic muon scattering; Spin; Asymmetry; Gluon polarisationGluon polarisationHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentNucleonParticle Physics - Experiment


The gluon polarisation in the nucleon has been determined by detecting charm production via D0 meson decay to charged K and pi in polarised muon scattering off a longitudinally polarised deuteron target. The data were taken by the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN between 2002 and 2006 and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.8 fb^-1. The dominant underlying process of charm production is the photon-gluon fusion to a cc-bar pair. A leading order QCD approach gives an average gluon polarisation of (Delta g/g)_x= -0.49 +- 0.27(stat) +- 0.11(syst) at a scale mu^2 ~ 13 (GeV/c)^2 and at an average gluon momentum fraction (x) ~ 0.11. The longitudinal cross-section asymmetry for D0 production is presented in bins of the transverse momentum and the energy of the D0 meson.
