

Fourier-transform spectroscopy and relativistic electronic structure calculation on the c3Σ+ state of KCs

A. KruzinsRuvin FerberAndréi ZaitsevskiiAndréi ZaitsevskiiA.v. OleynichenkoA.v. OleynichenkoE. A. PazyukM. TamanisV. KruminsAndrey V. Stolyarov


PhysicsDipoleRadiationCoupled clusterMoleculeElectronic structureState (functional analysis)Atomic physicsPotential energySpectroscopyAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsSpectral lineFourier transform spectroscopy


Abstract The Ti:Saphire laser operated within 13800 - 11800 cm − 1 range was used to excite the c 3 Σ + state of KCs molecule directly from the ground X 1 Σ + state. The laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra of the c 3 Σ + → a 3 Σ + transition were recorded with Fourier-transform spectrometer within 8000 to 10000 cm − 1 range. Overall 673 rovibronic term values belonging to both e / f -components of the c 3 Σ + ( Ω = 1 ± ) state of 39 KCs, covering vibrational levels from v = 0 to about 45, and rotational levels J ∈ [ 11 , 149 ] were determined with the accuracy of about 0.01 cm − 1 ; among them 7 values for 41 KCs. The experimental term values with v ∈ [ 0 , 22 ] were involved in a direct point-wise potential reconstruction for the c 3 Σ + ( Ω = 1 ± ) state, which takes into account the Ω -doubling effect caused by the spin-rotational interaction with the nearby c 3 Σ + ( Ω = 0 − ) state. The analysis and interpretation were facilitated by the fully-relativistic coupled cluster calculation of the potential energy curves for the B 1 Π , c 3 Σ + , and b 3 Π states, as well as of spin-forbidden c − X and spin-allowed c − a transition dipole moments; radiative lifetimes and vibronic branching ratios were calculated. A comparison of relative intensity distributions measured in vibrational c → a LIF progressions with their theoretical counterparts unambiguously confirms the vibrational assignment suggested in [J. Szczepkowski, et al., JQSRT, 204, 133–137 (2018)].
