

Elaboración de una versión reducida de las listas de frases en español (vr-LFE) para evaluar la percepción del habla con ruido

Teresa Cervera


Speech and HearingLinguistic contextSpeech perceptionEnglish languageLPN and LVNPsychologySentenceLinguistics


Desing of a short version of the 'listas de frases en espa˜ (vr-LFE) (Spanish sentence lists) to evaluate speech perception in noise Abstract This article presents, a short version of the 'listas de frases en espa˜ (vr-LFE; ''Lists of Phrases in Spanish'') to evaluate speech perception in noise. The original version is an adaptation of the SPIN (Speech Perception in Noise) test for the English language. The original LFE consists of 6 lists, each of them including 25 high-predictability sentences and 25 low-predictability sentences. The difference between the correct recognition scores on the two types of sentences provides an estimation of the effective use of linguistic context (semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic information) by the listener in the speech perception process. In the
