Teresa Cervera

Dificultades en la comprensión del habla rápida en oyentes mayores con pérdidas auditivas leves o moderadas

Objetivo En este trabajo se evaluan las dificultades de los adultos mayores, sin y con perdidas auditivas (presbiacusia y perdidas moderadas), en la comprension del habla rapida. El habla rapida es habitual en la comunicacion diaria. Sin embargo, no contamos con suficientes estudios que evaluen este problema en oyentes castellanoparlantes, tal como existen para oyentes angloparlantes. Material y metodo Se comparo el reconocimiento de frases presentadas a 3 tasas de aceleracion: normal, rapida y muy rapida, en los 3 grupos de oyentes. Estas medidas se correlacionaron con medidas audiologicas y con la puntuacion obtenida en un cuestionario de problemas de comunicacion. Resultados La ejecucion…

research product

Análisis acústico de la voz: Fiabilidad de un conjunto de parámetros multidimensionales

Resumen La fiabilidad del analisis acustico de la voz es una cuestion relevante poco estudiada todavia. Se presenta aqui un estudio correlacional sobre la fiabilidad de los parametros de la voz en una muestra de 148 adultos sanos. El analisis se llevo a cabo mediante el MDVP- Multi-Dimensional Voice Program instalado en una unidad de CSL-Computerized Speech Lab de Kay Elemetrics. Por cada sujeto se obtuvieron 29 parametros de voz a partir de dos registros de la vocal /a/ sostenida. Se ofrecen los resultados generales separados por generos y la fiabilidad testretest obtenida en cada par de medidas. Los datos muestran una alta estabilidad intra-sujeto en los parametros de Frecuencia Fundament…

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Voice intelligibility in patients who have undergone laryngectomies.

In this paper, we evaluate the speech intelligibility of two groups of Spanish-speaking people who have undergone laryngectomies: a group who used esophageal speech and a group who used tracheoesophageal (TES) prostheses. Audio recordings of 24 Spanish words produced by each talker were presented to a group of normal-hearing naive listeners who phonetically transcribed their responses. Listeners’ responses were registered in confusion matrices. Results indicate that differences between these two groups of patients appear when we consider phoneme types. The difficulty in producing the voicing distinction appeared in both TES and esophageal talkers. This finding is consistent with studies of …

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[Difficulties understanding compressed speech in elderly listeners with mild-to-moderate hearing loss].

Objective In this work we evaluated the difficulties in understanding rapid speech (normal, fast and very fast rates) in elderly listeners with and without hearing loss (presbycusis and moderate hearing loss). Rapid speech is common in daily communication, yet few studies have been conducted to assess this problem in Spanish-speaking listeners, as has been done for English speakers. Material and method We compared the recognition of sentences presented at normal, fast, and very fast speech rates in 3 groups of listeners. Recognition scores were correlated to their audiological measures and the score obtained on a Communication Difficulties Questionnaire. Results Compressed sentences were mo…

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Acoustical analysis of Spanish vowels produced by laryngectomized subjects.

The purpose of this study was to describe the acoustic characteristics of Spanish vowels in subjects who had undergone a total laryngectomy and to compare the results with those obtained in a control group of subjects who spoke normally. Our results are discussed in relation to those obtained in previous studies with English-speaking laryngectomized patients. The comparison between English and Spanish, which differ widely in the size of their vowel inventories, will help us to determine specific or universal vowel production characteristics in these patients. Our second objective was to relate the acoustic properties of these vowels to the perceptual data obtained in our previous work (J. L…

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La adquisición de las relaciones anafóricas en castellano: clases de anáforas y el efecto de la distancia

ResumenSe ha estudiado la comprension de relaciones anaforicas escritas en 810 ninos de 8 anos y 10 meses a 10 anos y 10 meses de edad. A traves de 32 textos cortos en una tarea de lapiz y papel, se han considerado cinco clases de anaforas: pronombres personales atonos, pronombre relativo “que”, adverbio de lugar “donde”, pronombres demostrativos y el contraste “este/aquel” con valor anaforico. En cada una de ellas se ha manipulado la distancia entre el antecedentey elemento forico, obteniendo tres versiones de cada texto con el mismo significado (distancia corta, media y larga). Los resultados muestran: a) un incremento global de la comprension de las relaciones anaforicas en esas edades. …

research product

Elaboración de una versión reducida de las listas de frases en español (vr-LFE) para evaluar la percepción del habla con ruido

Desing of a short version of the 'listas de frases en espa˜ (vr-LFE) (Spanish sentence lists) to evaluate speech perception in noise Abstract This article presents, a short version of the 'listas de frases en espa˜ (vr-LFE; ''Lists of Phrases in Spanish'') to evaluate speech perception in noise. The original version is an adaptation of the SPIN (Speech Perception in Noise) test for the English language. The original LFE consists of 6 lists, each of them including 25 high-predictability sentences and 25 low-predictability sentences. The difference between the correct recognition scores on the two types of sentences provides an estimation of the effective use of linguistic context (semantic, …

research product

The effect of MPEG audio compression on multidimensional set of voice parameters

The MPEG-1 Layer 3 compression schema of audio signal, or commonly known as mp3, has caused a great impact in recent years as it has reached high compression rates while also conserving a high sound quality. Previous listening tests have shown that music and speech samples compressed at high bitrates are virtually indistinguishable from the original samples, but very little is known about how compression acoustically affects the voice signal. In Experiment 1 the spectral composition of original and compressed speech signals were analyzed by means of the Long-Term Average Spectrum using the Computerized Speech Laboratory (Kay Elemetrics Corp. (Pine Brook, NJ, USA)). In Experiment 2 a set of …

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Lists of Spanish sentences with equivalent predictability, phonetic content, length, and frequency of the last word.

This paper presents a pool of Spanish sentences designed for use in cognitive research and speech processing in circumstances in which the effects of context are relevant. These lists of sentences are divided into six lists of 25 equivalent high-predictability sentences and six lists of 25 low-predictability sentences according to the extent to which the last word can be predicted by the preceding context. These lists were also equivalent in phonetic content, length and frequency of the last word. These lists are intended for use in psycholinguistic research with Spanish-speaking listeners.

research product

Influence of articulation rate on two memory tasks in young and older adults.

This study investigated the relation between phonological loop functioning and age. Phonological loop is a time-based subsystem of the Working Memory Model of Baddeley and Wilson, which uses rehearsal of information as an active process to avoid phonological decay. Performance differences were examined between young and older adults in two speech-based memory tasks, such as the immediate serial recall of words and the Digit Ordering Task. Analysis showed that performance on both tasks was lower for the older group. Articulation rate was also measured to test the hypothesis that the impairment of some cognitive functions in adults can be associated to their slowness or the greater time need…

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