

The detrimental consequences for seagrass of ineffective marine park management related to boat anchoring.

Y. DonnoG. La MannaGiulia CeccherelliGianluca Sarà


Settore BIO/07 - EcologiaConservation of Natural ResourcesAquatic ScienceOceanographyMediterranean SeaConservation of Natural ResourceShipEcosystemShipsgeography.geographical_feature_categoryMooring systemAlismatalesbiologyEcologyNational parkMedicine (all)Boat anchoringSeagraMooringbiology.organism_classificationPollutionManagementFisheryGeographySeagrassHabitatPosidonia oceanicaArchipelagoThreatened speciesHabitats DirectiveAlismatidae


Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadows are recognized as priority habitat for conservation by the EU Habitats Directive. The La Maddalena Archipelago National Park (Mediterranean Sea) P. oceanica meadow. , the dominant coastal habitat of the area, is mostly threatened by boat anchoring. 12. years after the establishment of mooring fields and anchoring restrictions, a study was conducted to measure their effectiveness on the conservation of seagrass and the mitigation of anchoring damage. We found that: (i) the condition of P. oceanica was disturbed, both in the mooring fields and in control locations; (ii) mooring fields and anchoring restrictions did not show to be an efficient system for the protection of seagrass, in fact anchor scars increased after the tourist season; (iii) the mooring systems had an impact on the surrounding area of the meadow, probably due to their misuse. On the basis of these results, management recommendations for marine parks are proposed.
