

Autonomous hyperspectral UAS photogrammetry for environmental monitoring applications

Ilkka PölönenHarri OjanenHeikki SaariNiko ViljanenAnttoni JaakkolaLauri MarkelinTomi RosnellTeemu HakalaSakari TuominenRoope NäsiEija Honkavaara


lcsh:Applied optics. PhotonicsgeometryPoint cloudradiometryphotogrammetrylcsh:Technologykalibrointiremote sensingEnvironmental monitoringRemote sensingBlock (data storage)fotogrammetriaData processingblockForest inventorylcsh:Tlcsh:TA1501-1820Hyperspectral imagingcalibrationGeographyPhotogrammetryhyperspectrallcsh:TA1-2040Precision agriculturekaukokartoitusgeometriaUASlcsh:Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)point cloud


Abstract. The unmanned airborne system (UAS) remote sensing using lightweight multi- and hyperspectral imaging sensors offer new possibilities for the environmental monitoring applications. Based on the accurate measurements of the way in which the object reflect and emit energy, wide range of affecting variables can be monitored. Condition for reliable applications is reliable and accurate input data. In many applications, installation of geometric and radiometric reference targets in the object area is challenging, for instance, in forest or water areas. On the other hand, UASs are often operated in very poor conditions, under clouds or under variable cloud cover. Our objective is to develop an autonomous hyperspectral UAS imaging system and data processing chain that does not require any ground reference targets. Prerequisites for this kind of a system are an appropriate sensor setup, stable and wellcalibrated instruments and rigorous data processing. In this paper, we will describe the new hyperspectral UAS imaging system that is under development. Important applications for the proposed system include precision agriculture, forest monitoring and water quality monitoring. Finally, we will consider the use of the system in forest inventory application and present the first results of the summer 2014 campaigns.
