

Assessment conceptions of Finnish pre-service teachers

Minna KyttäläPiia Maria BjörnMilla RantamäkiSami LehesvuoriVesa NärhiMikko AroMarja-kristiina Lerkkanen


educationerityisopettajatluokanopettajatassessment conceptionsopettajatbehavioral disciplines and activitiespre-service special needs teacherEducationpre-service subject teacheraineenopettajatmental disorderspre-service classroom teacherkäsityksetopettajankoulutusarviointiteacher education


The aim of this quantitative survey study (N = 287) was to investigate the assessment conceptions of three different pre-service teacher groups (classroom teachers, subject teachers and special needs teachers). Assessment conceptions were best described by the following three main factors: 1) assessment of learning, 2) assessment for teaching and learning and 3) assessment as a harmful action. These main factors were clustered into three assessment conception profiles – assessment-cautious, assessment-positive and assessment-critical. Pre-service special needs teachers showed more assessment-oriented conceptions emphasising both the assessment of learning and assessment for learning than the other pre-service teacher groups. However, within every pre-service teacher group, the existing assessment conceptions varied from assessment-positive to assessment-cautious and even assessment-critical. The results are discussed to suggest development in teacher education. peerReviewed
