

Ag+ Complexes as Potential Therapeutic Agents in Medicine and Pharmacy

Karolina KrzywoszynskaMagdalena Rowinska-zyrekAgnieszka SzebesczykPaulina KolkowskaHenryk KozłowskiAleksandra Hecel


Antifungalsilver nanoparticlesSilvermedicine.drug_classCancer therapyMetal NanoparticlesNanoparticleAntineoplastic Agents02 engineering and technologyPharmacology010402 general chemistry01 natural sciencesBiochemistrySilver(I) complexesSilver nanoparticleCoordination complexStructure-Activity RelationshipAnti-Infective AgentsCoordination ComplexesDrug DiscoverymedicineHumansAmino Acid SequenceAmino AcidsIonsPharmacologychemistry.chemical_classificationMolecular StructureChemistryOrganic Chemistryantibacterial and anticancer activity of Ag+021001 nanoscience & nanotechnologyCombinatorial chemistry0104 chemical sciencescysteine and methionine motifsMolecular Medicine0210 nano-technologyProtein Binding


Silver is a non-essential element with promising antimicrobial and anticancer properties. This work is a detailed summary of the newest findings on the bioinorganic chemistry of silver, with a special focus on the applications of Ag+ complexes and nanoparticles. The coordination chemistry of silver is given a reasonable amount of attention, summarizing the most common silver binding sites and giving examples of such binding motifs in biologically important proteins. Possible applications of this metal and its complexes in medicine, particularly as antibacterial and antifungal agents and in cancer therapy, are discussed in detail. The most recent data on silver nanoparticles are also summarized.
