Wireless Charging Systems for Electric Vehicle Batteries
Filippo Pellitterisubject
bi-directional inductive power transfervehicular and wireless technologieelectric vehiclewireless power transfercontactless power transferinductive power transfer; wireless battery charging; electric vehicles; E-bikes; physiological compatibility; wireless power transfer; contactless battery charging; magnetic field simulation; contactless power transfer; vehicular and wireless technologies; bi-directional inductive power transfer; power flow control; power tracking; maximum efficiencymagnetic field simulationSettore ING-IND/32 - Convertitori Macchine E Azionamenti ElettriciSettore ING-INF/01 - ElettronicaE-bikepower flow controlpower trackingcontactless battery chargingwireless battery chargingphysiological compatibilityinductive power transfermaximum efficiencyyear | journal | country | edition | language |