Filippo Pellitteri

An efficient wireless power transfer prototype for electrical vehicles

Based on the inductive power transfer (IPT), the contactless approach allows safe and comfortable operations of battery charging for Electric Vehicles (EVs). In this paper, a contactless system particularly suitable for E-bike battery charging is proposed. A practical realization of the system has been carried out, aiming at the system evaluation in terms of working and efficiency. Through a phase shift modulation, a power regulation has been implemented. The target power level is 100 W.

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Experimental Validation of Maximum Constant Boost Control and Switching Frequency Optimal for three-phase Quasi-Z-Source Converters

This paper presents a modified modulation scheme for quasi-Z-Source converters, based on the Maximum Constant Boost Control (MCBC) concept and Switching Frequency Optimal (SFO) as reference signal. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is validated by comparing the obtained results (in terms of AC harmonic content and voltage stress) with those carried out from traditional modulation schemes. For this reason, a test bench has been assembled and the benefits of the SFO MCBC modulation scheme have been valuated.

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Improving the efficiency of a standard compliant wireless battery charger

In this paper, a wireless charger for portable electronics devices is presented. A power transmitter, also known as the magnetic pad, and a power receiver are magnetically coupled. A receiver architecture which improves the power conversion efficiency is proposed. All advantages brought by the proposed architecture are discussed and standard constraints are presented as well. The receiver is fully standard-compliant. A wireless station for mobile application is designed and tested. Simulation and experimental results are compared. As shown by experimental results, thanks to the proposed architecture the power conversion efficiency of the receiver section is really close to a unit value. Pow…

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Power tracking with maximum efficiency for wireless charging of E-bikes

Wireless charging techniques, based on Inductive Power Transfer (IPT), are attractive for Electric Vehicles (EV), due to benefits such as convenience and safety. An accurate valuation of the maximum achievable efficiency in an IPT system is extremely unlikely due to the high sensitivity to parasitic elements variations. Therefore, an “on site” procedure of power efficiency characterization is useful to get a precise description of the efficiency curve and obtain the actual maximum efficiency. In this paper, a power tracking algorithm aiming at efficiency maximization is proposed for a Wireless Charging system. The algorithm aims at finding the maximum power transfer efficiency with respect …

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Physiological compatibility of wireless chargers for electric bicycles

The Inductive Power Transfer represents a viable solution of wireless battery charging for all users of electric mobility. This method brings some benefits to the electric vehicles, being a convenient technique, compared to the conventional wire-based battery charging. Among the electric vehicles, the electric bicycles particularly fit with this innovative method of battery charging. Nevertheless, the physiological effects of the produced magnetic fields need to be taken into account. In this paper, the design of an Inductive Power Transfer system for E-bike wireless battery charging is presented and the measurements concerning the surrounding magnetic field are provided in order to validat…

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Different scenarios of electric mobility: Current situation and possible future developments of fuel cell vehicles in Italy

The diffusion of electric vehicles in Italy has started but some complications weight its spread. At present, hybrid technology is the most followed by users, due particularly to socioeconomic factors such as cost of investment and range anxiety. After a deep discussion of the Italian scenario, the aim of the paper is to recognize whether fuel cell technology may be an enabling solution to overcome pollution problems and respect for the environment. The opportunity to use fuel cells to store electric energy is quite fascinating&mdash

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Experimental Investigation on Magnetic Field Effects of IPT for Electric Bikes

The wireless power transmission (WPT) is increasingly representing a promising technology and an innovative solution, especially for the electric vehicles (EVs) battery charging. The inductive power transfer (IPT) is the standard technology of wireless charging: the energy transfer occurs between two magnetically coupled coils. The IPT-based battery charging is especially convenient for E-bikes and the physiological effects related to the generated magnetic fields should be estimated. In this context, this work presents a 200Â W prototype of wireless battery charger for E-bikes. In addition, the measurements regarding the surrounding magnetic field are given in detail in order to evaluate t…

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Highly Compact Partial Power Converter for a Highly Efficient PV-BESS Stacked Generation System

The inherently intermittent nature of photovoltaic (PV) energy has brought increasing interest towards the integration between PV sources and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). In this paper, a Series Partial Power Processing (PPP) converter based on Capacitive Power Transfer (CPT) is proposed to integrate PV and BESS in a grid-connected inverter system. The proposed converter has been simulated according to a PV string capable to provide 1430 W under full irradiance conditions, a BESS nominal voltage equal to 215 V and a solar inverter assumed to operate with a minimum voltage of 150 V and a maximum current of 10 A. Simulation tests carried out at different conditions of solar radiatio…

research product

Design, implementation and experimental results of a wireless charger for E-bikes

Based on the Inductive Power Transfer (IPT), the wireless energy transmission is increasingly representing an attractive solution for vehicle battery charging. Due to its high smartness, the wireless solution may be considered an interesting battery charging method for electric bicycles, as they represent light-weight and flexible means of transportation. According to the Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) concept, the wireless power flow can occur in both the alternative directions: from the grid to the battery or in the opposite way. A Bi-Directional Inductive Power Transfer (BDIPT) system is therefore particularly convenient in the scenario of a multi-parking area. For the E-bike application, a bicyc…

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Speed detection of battery-free nodes based on RF Wireless Power Transfer

In the Internet of Things (IoT) era, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are rapidly increasing in terms of relevance and pervasiveness thanks to their notable real-time monitoring performance across several fields, including industrial, domestic, military, biomedical, commercial, environmental, and other sectors. A highly attractive implementation of WSNs is asset tracking with accurate data regarding the location and transportation conditions of goods, equipment, and the like. One highly promising application of WSNs along these lines is the remote speed monitoring of goods, ideally with battery-free sensor nodes that do not require any maintenance. This, however, represents a major challenge…

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Experimental Prototyping of a Microgrid with Mechanical Point of Common Coupling

The smartgrid is a key technology for the sustainable and smart utilization of the renewable energies. In this paper, a prototyping of a microgrid, assembled at the Sustainable Development and Energy Saving Laboratory (SDESLAB) of the University of Palermo, is presented and discussed. In detail, the microgrid presents only one mechanical point of common coupling (PCC) with the main grid and it is electrically separated from the main grid. In this way, the voltage variations of the main grid do not affect the microgrid electric quantities behavior. In order to validate the effectiveness of the voltage and frequency control, several experimental tests and analysis have been carried out. In de…

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Pd-Co-Based Electrodes for Hydrogen Production by Water Splitting in Acidic Media

To realize the benefits of a hydrogen economy, hydrogen must be produced cleanly, efficiently and affordably from renewable resources and, preferentially, close to the end-users. The goal is a sustainable cycle of hydrogen production and use: in the first stage of the cycle, hydrogen is produced from renewable resources and then used to feed a fuel cell. This cycle produces no pollution and no greenhouse gases. In this context, the development of electrolyzers producing high-purity hydrogen with a high efficiency and low cost is of great importance. Electrode materials play a fundamental role in influencing electrolyzer performances; consequently, in recent years considerable efforts have b…

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Experimental Characterization of a Double Receiver Dynamic Wireless Charging System

The aim of this work is the characterization of a dynamic wireless charging system low power prototype and the validation of a simplified mathematical model of the employed double D coils. The difference between a single receiver and a dual receiver system is also shown, highlighting how the last one can significantly reduce the costs of the charging infrastructure.

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Experimental Investigation on the Performances of a Multilevel Inverter Using a Field Programmable Gate Array-Based Control System

The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) represents a valid solution for the design of control systems for inverters adopted in many industry applications, because of both its high flexibility of use and its high-performance with respect to other types of digital controllers. In this context, this paper presents an experimental investigation on the harmonic content of the voltages produced by a three-phase, five level cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel inverter with an FPGA-based control board, aiming also to evaluate the performance of the FPGA through the implementation of the main common modulation techniques and the comparison between simulation and experimental results. The control algorithm…

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Local DoS applications with micro wind generation systems

In this paper a wind electrical power generation system for Distributed on Site (DoS) applications is proposed. This system was developed and conceived in order to guarantee simple installation, use and service, obtaining a product that can be easily industrialized and put into the market with limited costs. The field of application of such an electrical generation system is addressed towards domestic or at the most toward condominium applications concerning moreover the opportunity of working in addition to combined photovoltaic and solar-thermal systems to enhance the renewable energy generation at house level (DoS). The proposed system has its hot spot in the blades shape, in the wind fl…

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Power losses comparison between Silicon Carbide and Silicon devices for an isolated DC-DC converter

In recent years, new efficient power devices have been implemented. Silicon Carbide has replaced silicon as regards the production and the utilization of many devices, such as MOSFETs, diodes, IGBTs and many others. SiC devices are characterized by a low reverse recovery charge, high carrier saturation velocity, by which it is possible to work at high frequency, and high breakdown voltage. Thanks to the great thermal conductivity and the wide bandgap, these devices can operate at high temperature and reach high voltages and currents. What is important to stress is the fact that power losses in SiC devices are lower than the silicon ones. These are the reasons why these devices are utilized …

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Experimental investigation on a cascode-based three-phase inverter for AC drives

High speed electrical drives and machines represent a promising solution to cope with the increasing electrification in several fields, e.g. industrial electronics and mobility. According to that, power electronics is going more and more towards innovative technologies of semiconductor devices, such as Gallium-Nitride (GaN) and Silicon-Carbide (SiC), providing the opportunity of faster switching transients and therefore of higher switching frequencies. A challenging perspective is represented by gaining higher and higher switching frequencies while keeping high voltage and low power losses. In this scenario, the Cascode (CC) configuration can represent a reliable solution in order to reach …

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A Model of DC-DC Converter with Switched-Capacitor Structure for Electric Vehicle Applications

In this paper, a DC-DC converter with an innovative topology for automotive applications is proposed. The goal of the presented power converter is the electrical storage system management of an electric vehicle (EV). The presented converter is specifically compliant with a 400 V battery, which represents the high-voltage primary source of the system. This topology is also able to act as a bidirectional power converter, so that in this case, the output section is an active stage, which is able to provide power as, for example, in the case of a low-voltage battery or a supercapacitor. The proposed topology can behave either in step-down or in step-up mode, presenting in both cases a high gain…

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A hybrid storage system for wireless sensor nodes powered with energy harvesting

With the recent development of Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), research and industry have been increasingly focusing on the opportumty of collecting the energy arising from the environment. The Energy Harvesting provides the possibility to supply devices which are placed out of reach or in hazardous spots, e.g. the Wireless Sensor Nodes. Among the different parts belonging to an Energy Harvesting system, the power management network represents a challenging topic. In this paper a Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) usable for a WSN powered with Energy Harvesting, based on a battery-capacitor integration, is presented. The experimental results concerning the asse…

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Design, implementation and experimental results of an inductive power transfer system for electric bicycle wireless charging

The use of renewable energy and the transformation of transport mode are crucial items for achieving an efficient and clean electrical mobility that allow being competitive on the market. In this context the interface between the power system and the Electric Vehicles (EVs) assumes a strategic role. Specifically, wireless energy transmission, based on Inductive Power Transfer (IPT), is an attractive solution for EVs charging. Moreover, the use of electric bicycles or kick scooters as mode of urban transport is continuously growing because they are lightweight, sustainable, easily parking, flexible and efficient transport devices. Owing to its benefits, the wireless power transfer can be con…

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Experimental Investigation on the Performances of Innovative PV Vertical Structures

The sustainable development of our planet is considerably related to a relevant reduction of CO2 global emissions, with building consumption contributing more than 40%. In this scenario, new technological conceptions, such as building-integrated photovoltaic technology, emerged in order to satisfy the requirements of sustainability imposed by the European Union. Therefore, the aim of this work is to provide a technical and economical comparison of the performances of different vertical-mounted innovative photovoltaic systems, potentially integrated on a building instead of on traditional windows or glass walls. The proposed investigation was carried out by means of experimental tests on thr…

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Efficient contactless power transfer system for EVs

Based on the inductive power transfer (IPT), the contactless approach allows safe and comfortable operations of battery charging for Electric Vehicles (EVs). In this paper, a contactless system particularly suitable for E-bike battery charging is proposed. A practical realization of the system has been carried out, aiming at the system evaluation in terms of working and efficiency. Through a phase shift modulation, a power regulation has been implemented. The target power level is 100 W.

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Modelling, Simulation and Characterization of a Supercapacitor in Automotive Applications

The energy storage is one of the most discussed topics among Electrical Vehicles (EVs) research. Currently, supercapacitors (SCs) are collecting even more attention due to their unique features such as high-power density, high life cycle and lack of maintenance. In this paper, a supercapacitor model suitable for the simulation in automotive applications is identified. The model parameters are estimated and used to simulate the behaviour of a commercial SCs bank in different operating conditions. The model is finally validated considering experimental results.

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Wireless battery charging for electric bicycles

The contactless solution is increasingly spreading as method of battery charging for Electric Vehicles (EVs). The standard technology of contactless EV battery charging is based on the Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) between two coupled coils, one connected to the electrical grid and the other one connected to the rechargeable battery. The IPT provides benefits in terms of safety and comfort, due to the absence of a plug-in operation. In this paper, an overview on the IPT applied to the battery charging of electric bicycles is provided, with some general considerations on the technical implications. Moreover, a prototype of contactless battery charging for E-bikes is proposed and described.

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A measurement setup for electric bicycles powered from renewable energy sources

In this paper a measurement system for a pedalassist rickshaw is described. It has been designed and realized with the purpose of a deep analysis of operating time, range and general performance of the prototype vehicle. The three-wheel velocipede under test, developed in the SDES laboratory of the University of Palermo, is equipped with two battery packs, and a photovoltaic panel which is used to recharge one of the packs at a time. To further improve the autonomy of this mean, a fuel cell will be added as a power source, whose consequent improvement in performance could be easily investigated by the presented measurement setup. An Arduino board has been employed to receive and store all c…

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Recharge stations: A review

Charging equipment for all-Electric Vehicles (EVs) is classified by the rate at which the batteries are charged. Charging times vary based on how depleted the battery is, how much energy it holds, the type of battery, and the type of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). In this paper, a review of the innovative charging stations is reported.

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Wireless Power Transmission for house appliances: A small-scale resonant coupling prototype

This paper presents a low cost prototype of wireless power transfer system based on resonant coupling. The system here proposed can be useful for house appliances battery charging systems: as a matter of fact, it consists mainly of two copper wire coils or windings, placed one in front of the other on the same axis. By exploiting the coils resonance coupling effect, electric energy can be transferred from the inductor coil to the receiver in order to charge the batteries. Low cost experimental tests demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed wireless power transfer prototype, being it capable to reach an efficiency of about 80% and more along a distance of 30 cm.

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Experimental test on a Contactless Power Transfer system

Contactless Power Transfer (CPT) is an ever-growing technology in automotive market, due to the significant improvement brought by it to battery charging operation in terms of safety and comfort. CPT is based on inductive coupling between two coils, so that power cords can be avoided for vehicles battery charging and an important contribution towards a smarter mobility can arise. In this paper, a CPT prototype for E-bike is proposed. Magnetic design and power electronics system are described. Experimental results deriving from laboratory tests are presented and power efficiency of the system is addressed.

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Power management of a battery/supercapacitor system for E-mobility applications

Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (HESS) have been very popular in recent years in different applications, from electric vehicles (EVs) to smart grids and renewable energies, due to the growing need to accumulate electricity. The concept of hybridization arises from the requirement of both high energy and specific power. The battery/supercapacitor (SC) system offers great advantages in a DC bus, giving the opportunity to provide high amounts of power to the loads. In this paper, a system composed of two bidirectional DC-DC converters, one connected to a battery pack and one to a stack of supercapacitors, is presented for a DC bus in electrical mobility (E-Mobility) applications. The proposed co…

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A wireless battery charger architecture for consumer electronics

In this paper, an innovative design of a wireless battery charger for portable electronic devices is proposed. The wireless power transfer is implemented through the magnetic coupling between a power transmitter, which is connected to the grid, and a power receiver, which is integrated inside the load device. An innovative receiver architecture which heavily improves the power conversion efficiency is presented. The proposed solution is standard compliant and suitable for IC implementation. A comparison between a conventional and the proposed receiver architectures is carried out by SPICE simulations. As shown by simulation results, a power efficiency increase by 40% is provided by the prop…

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Wireless battery charging: E-bike application

Nowadays, Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) represents a widely investigated issue with respect to modern battery charging methods, by providing a wireless solution. IPT is applied across a large variety of applications, from Watt to kWatt power levels. Although IPT features great benefits in terms of safety and comfort, the most significant drawback consists of a relatively poor power conversion efficiency. In this paper, a 100W wireless charging equipment for E-bikes which improves efficiency is proposed. Complete magnetic structure design, as well as transmitter and receiver efficient architectures, are deeply exposed. The efficiency of the designed solution is shown by simulation results.

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Inductive Power Transfer for 100W battery charging

Today, Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) is widely investigated to provide wireless battery charge. Potential applications range from a few Watts of handheld devices to kWatts of automotive applications. Despite of comfort and safety options, wireless charging features relatively poor power conversion efficiency. In the literature, several solutions are proposed addressing efficiency related issues. In this paper, a 100W wireless charging station for electric bikes which improves the power conversion efficiency is proposed. The magnetic structure design is analyzed thoroughly as well as the proposed power electronics system architectures of both the power transmitter and power receiver. The ef…

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A Bidirectional IPT system for Electrical Bicycle Contactless Energy Transfer

Contactless Energy Transfer characterized by Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) is a viable solution for Electric Vehicle (EV) battery charging, giving advantages in terms of safety, comfort and automatism of the recharging operation. IPT is a smart option for the Vehicle- To-Grid (V2G) implementation as well: the EV's battery can provide power to other users, if possible and if required, in order to adequately respond to an active demand scenario. IPT shall therefore allow a Bidirectional power flow, so that it can be properly defined as Bidirectional IPT (BIPT). In this paper, a 300 W BIPT system for E-bikes is proposed and experimental results are shown as well. Considering power level and s…

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A comparison of different DC-DC converters for energy storage management in nearly-Zero Energy Buildings

In the recent years, there has been a notable interest towards renewable sources, energy saving and efficiency optimization, in order to reduce the damages brought by fine dust and greenhouse gases in terms of safety, health and environmental protection. In the building sector renewable sources and energy efficiency optimization are leading to a large scale employment of nearly-Zero Energy Buildings (n-ZEBs), meaning that the balance between produced and required energy is negligible. For a proper n-ZEB implementation, a power system architecture has to be accurately designed, according to the existing renewable sources, loads and storage systems. In this paper, an investigation on differen…

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An RF Wireless Power Transfer system to power battery-free devices for asset tracking

Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) infrastructures are becoming more and more available and diffused. One major outcome is the development of new services that help to make everyday life easier and better. One of those to which this paper reserves special attention is asset tracking which refers to the method of tracking physical assets. This service is very well based on IoT infrastructure and, due to the enormous number of objects to be traced, desperately needs the availability of inexpensive tags with sensing capabilities, that can be conveniently monitored from a long distance and require no maintenance. For this, engineers are called to face very challenging i…

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Harmonic reduction in CHB 13-level inverters by PAM fundamental-frequency strategy

In this paper cascaded H-bridges (CHB) 13-level inverters are considered and a particular pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) strategy is introduced to mitigate or eliminate many harmonic components on the output voltage, in order to obtain low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) factor. This procedure defines different dc voltage sources and sets of six switching angles, depending on an integer parameter $q$ belonging to the close interval $I=[11, 15]$ . The obtained THD doesn't depend on modulation index $m$ . The control of $m$ is made by changing the dc voltage sources that depend linearly on m, while the switching angles remain constant. An investigation about the role of the $q$ parameter on…

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Power Bus Management Techniques for Space Missions in Low Earth Orbit

In space vehicles, the typical configurations for the Solar Array Power Regulators in charge of managing power transfer from the solar array to the power bus are quite different from the corresponding devices in use for terrestrial applications. A thorough analysis is reported for the most popular approaches, namely Sequential Switching Shunt Regulation and parallel-input Pulse Width Modulated converters with Maximum Power Point Tracking. Their performance is compared with reference to a typical mission in low Earth orbit, highlighting the respective strengths and weaknesses. A novel solar array managing technique, the Sequential Maximum Power Tracking, is also introduced in the trade-off a…

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Simulation of parasitic effects on Silicon Carbide devices for automotive electric traction

Wide Band Gap (WBG) semiconductors are increasingly addressed towards Electric Vehicle (EV) applications, due to their significant advantages in terms of high-voltage and low-losses performances, suitable for high power applications. Nevertheless, the packaging in WBG devices represents a challenge for designers due to the notable impact that inductive and capacitive parasitic components can bring in high switching frequency regime in terms of noise and power losses. In this paper, a comparison between conventional Silicon (Si) and emerging Silicon-Carbide (SiC) power switching devices is presented. The effects of inductive parasitic effects and switching frequency are investigated in simul…

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Control subsystem design for wireless power transfer

Recently, the wireless power transfer has been increasingly employed. Particularly for the electric vehicles, the wireless solution is attractive for contactless battery charging, based on the Inductive Power Transfer (IPT). In this paper, a 150W prototype for IPT-based battery charging is presented and design criteria are reported. In addition to the power stage analysis, a proper control strategy is proposed. Simulation and experimental results are shown. The proposed control method aims at regulating the load current against variations in the magnetic coupling, so that the required amount of power can be supplied despite of unexpected decreases in the coupling efficiency.

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Wireless Charging Systems for Electric Vehicle Batteries

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A Battery-free Asset Monitoring System based on RF Wireless Power Transfer

In the Internet of Things (IoT) era, asset monitoring represents an appealing implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks due to the enormous benefits associated with being able to monitor and record the exact position and transportation conditions of assets, personal objects, and the like. This kind of infrastructure enables the provision of increasingly advanced services, including the ability to measure the movement speed of a monitored asset using relatively inexpensive nodes with sensing capabilities and wireless transmission and reception. These nodes would ideally employ battery-free sensors that do not require any maintenance, but conventional power supply management systems cannot s…

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E-bike battery charging: Methods and circuits

Today, academic and industrial research is focused on innovative battery charging methods to ensure complete mobility of both handheld devices and electric vehicles. Wireless power transfer is actually the leading strategy even if efficiency related issues are to be solved for a successful marketing. In this paper, a wireless battery charging station is proposed for electric assisted pedal bikes. If compared with existing wireless solutions, the proposed system architecture improves power conversion efficiency of the charging equipment. The simulation model of the whole charging station is described in detail. The transmitter, receiver and inductive coupling circuits are described and desig…

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Analysis and design of bi-directional DC-DC converters for ultracapacitors management in EVs

The on-board energy-storage system of an electric vehicle (EV) should be able to collect large amounts of energy and to deal with fast load variations. The use of hybrid power sources as storage devices is an attractive solution, aiming at maximizing both energy and power density. The battery/ultracapacitors (UCs) combination promises to provide significant benefits. An accurate design of bi-directional converters, capable of proplery managing the charge/discharge of the UCs from/to a voltage bus, is essential. In this paper, a bi-directional DC-DC converter connected to a bank of UCs is described and the simulation results are given as well. The designed converter is a buck-boost type, abl…

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Preliminary test on a cascode switch for high-frequency applications

Nowadays, an increasing electrification level is being addressed towards different sectors, such as transportation and industrial electronics. To bear that, high speed electrical machines represent a mature technology in different application fields, e.g. avionics, automotive, compressors and spindles. In order to guarantee high speed while keeping high power quality without adopting bulky filtering circuits, DC-AC converters shall be controlled by means of high Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) frequencies. In addition to the emerging switching device technologies, such as those based on Silicon-Carbide (SiC) and Gallium-Nitride (GaN), alternative circuital topologies are crucial in order to co…

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A prototypal PCB board for the EMI characterization of SiC-based innovative switching devices

In this paper, a preliminary PCB board for the electromagnetic interference (EMI) characterization of innovative silicon-carbide (SiC) based switching devices is presented. Packaging technological issues can determine hurdles in the high-frequency switching and high power regime where wide band gap semiconductors are intended today for Electric Vehicle (EV) applications. In particular, the parasitic inductances that emerge in such devices, must be assessed, by using e.g. EMI techniques. In this specific case, the EMI characterization is supposed to be carried out in a semi-anechoic chamber, available at the University of Palermo (UNIPA), to assess the electromagnetic disturbances according …

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Reconfiguration strategies to reduce mismatch effects on PV array: An Arduino-based prototype

Today, solar energy represents a widespread source of electricity among all the renewable energies. One of the major problems concerning the photovoltaic (PV) arrays is the partial shading, that is the non-uniform irradiance on its parts. The partial shading leads to several undesired effects, such as mismatch between modules and a reduction of the production of electric energy. In order to alleviate the partial shading effects, different methods can be employed. Among them, the reconfiguration of the electrical connections between modules represents an alternative solution. In this paper, an algorithm of reconfiguration for a small-scale PV plant is proposed and experimental results showin…

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Experimental study on B-spline-based modulation schemes applied in multilevel inverters for electric drive applications

This work presents the design, simulation, and experimental validation of new B-Spline-based modulation techniques applied to a Multilevel Power Inverter (MPI), particularly focusing the attention on the harmonic content of the output voltages of the inverter. Simulation and experimental results are proposed and discussed, mainly describing the potential benefits, such as the increase of the multi-level operation of the converter, and drawbacks (low-order harmonics) related to the adoption of B-Spline functions for multilevel inverters applied in the field of electrical drives.

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Modelling, Simulation and Characterization of a Supercapacitor in Automotive Applications

In the energy storage field, supercapacitors (SCs) are gaining more and more attention thanks to features such as high-power density, high life cycles and lack of maintenance. In this article, an improved SC three-branches model which considers the residual charge phenomenon is presented. The procedure to estimate the model parameters and the related experimental set-up are presented. The parameter estimation procedure is repeated for several SCs of the same type. The average parameters are then obtained and used as initial guesses for a recursive least square optimization algorithm, to increase the accuracy of the model. The model of a single SC is then extended to SC banks, testing differ…

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Dynamic reconfiguration systems for PV plant: Technical and economic analysis

Solar plants suffer of partial shading and mismatch problems. Without considering the generation of hot spots and the resulting security issues, a monitoring system for the health of a PV plant should be useful to drive a dynamic reconfiguration system (DRS) to solve bottlenecks due to different panels’ shading. Over the years different DRS architectures have been proposed, but no suggestions about costs and benefits have been provided. Starting from technical subjects such as differences of the topologies driving the hardware complexity and number of components, this paper identifies the cost of DRS and its lifetime, and based on these issues it provides an economic analysis for a 6 kWp PV…

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Predictive dead time controller for GaN-based boost converters

A dynamic dead time controller is presented, specifically intended to operate in synchronous boost converters based on GaN field-effect transistor switches. These transistors have a reduced stored charge with respect to silicon metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors with similar breakdown voltage and series resistance, and can operate at higher frequencies with reduced switching losses. On the other hand, the voltage drop in reverse conduction is typically more than doubled with respect to silicon devices resulting in relevant power losses during the free-wheeling phases. Therefore, dynamic control of dead time can be profitably applied even in converters operating in the tens o…

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Hydrogen Supplied Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles

The aim of this work is the experimental characterization of a Wireless Charging System based on IPT (Inductive Power Transfer) supplied by a PEMFC (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell) in order to verify the possibility of its installation in not electrified areas. A hydrogen-based supply system is designed and assembled with the purpose of having an EV (electrical vehicle) charging station not connected to the main power grid. An efficiency analysis of the wireless transmission system is carried out taking into account external parameters such as distance and misalignment between the transmitter coil and the receiver coil, verifying the integration potentialities of both IPT and fuel cell …

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Investigation on Cascode Devices for High Frequency Electrical Drives Applications

In the last years a widespread development in the market of electrical drives employing high-speed electrical machines has occurred in various industrial fields, due to the extremely high power density that can be reached. Nevertheless, to maintain output power quality without using bulky filtering networks, DC-AC converters should be controlled by means of higher PWM switching frequencies. New switching device technologies, such as Field Effect Transistors based on SiC and GaN, are therefore gathering momentum in order to comply with the higher working frequencies. To operate under high frequencies and at the same time at high voltage levels, alternative circuital configurations for switch…

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An Iterative Method for Bifurcation-Free Resonant Inductive Power Transfer System Design

The development of electric mobility makes the charging systems one of the main discussed topic. Among the different technologies, Resonant Inductive Power Transfer (RIPT) systems are in deep study. Several aspects, including the choice of coils, the compensation network and the bifurcation phenomenon are necessary for a proper design of the system. In this paper an iterative method for bifurcation-free RIPT system design is provided as a valid solution to the need of accurate models requiring low computational efforts.

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Design of a Battery/Ultracapacitor Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicle Applications

The battery/ultracapacitors (UCs) integration is able to provide notable advantages in the power management of an electric vehicle (EV), in terms of capability of both high energy storage and readiness to deal with fast load variations. In order to manage the charge (or discharge) of the UCs from (or towards) a DC voltage bus, a proper bi-directional converter is required. In this paper, a bi-directional DC-DC converter in connection with a stack of UCs is described and some power simulation results are provided. The proposed converter is a B2R (buck-boost regulator) type. The load is represented by a 40kW peak power, kept for a time window of 3s, as required by the Worldwide harmonized Lig…

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Design and Realization of a Bidirectional Full Bridge Converter with Improved Modulation Strategies

In this paper a Full-Bridge Converter (FBC) for bidirectional power transfer is presented. The proposed FBC is an isolated DC-DC bidirectional converter, connected to a double voltage source&mdash

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Energy Policies and Sustainable Management of Energy Sources

Sustainability of current energy policies and known mid-term policies are analised in their multiple facets. First an overview is given about the trend of global energy demand and energy production, analysing the share of energy sources and the geographic distribution of demand, on the basis of statistics and projections published by major agencies. The issue of sustainability of the energy cycle is finally addressed, with specific reference to systems with high share of renewable energy and storage capability, highlighting some promising energy sources and storage approaches.

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Switching Capacitors Transformerless Bidirectional DC-DC Converter

This paper presents an innovative converter topology that better connects the needs of the battery pack and the electric motor towards the validation of an eco-sustainable electric mobility model. More in particular, the components of the proposed converter change their connection state during both the charging and discharging time of the battery, leading to a higher performance with respect to traditional step-down or step-up converters. The simulations carried out by means of the PLECS® environment have demonstrated the early feasibility of the proposed system.

research product

Investigation of inductive coupling solutions for E-bike wireless charging

Wireless charging of electric vehicle batteries is a major topic for academic and industrial research. The wireless charging is based on the inductive coupling between a primary coil, connected to the grid, and a secondary coil, connected to the vehicle battery. Wireless battery charging provides benefits in terms of comfort for the drivers, who should just park to start the charging operation, without needing to plug in the vehicle. Wireless charging is particularly convenient for E-bike users. For the bicycle charging, the inductive coupling should be implemented through a compact and light-weight solution. In this paper, different options of inductively coupled coils for E- bike charging…

research product

Highly Efficient Capacitive Galvanic Isolation for EV Charging Stations

This paper proposes an isolated Switched Capacitor (SC) power converter which provides galvanic isolation through Capacitive Power Transfer (CPT). The combination of these two technologies might answer for electrical and power requirements in different electrical mobility application fields, such as battery charging. Accordingly, due to the low conversion losses the combination of these two technologies can provide, compact, cost effective and highly efficient power converters can be derived, thus potentially answering the scalability requirements for the Electric Vehicles (EV) market. To assess the operation of the proposed circuital solution, a Full Bridge (FB) CPT isolated interfacing co…

research product

Energy needs and sustainable management of the energy cycle

The issue of sustainability of the energy policies is analised in its manifold facets. An overview is given about the trend of global energy needs and energy production, analysing the geographic distribution of consumptions and the share of energy sources, on the basis of the statistics and projections published by major agencies. The issue of sustainability of the energy cycle is finally addressed, highlighting how the use of biomasses as an energy source and of hydrogen as an energy carrier are among the most promising approaches.

research product

Wireless battery chargers for portable applications: Design and test of a high-efficiency power receiver

In this study, the authors present a 5 W wireless battery charger for handheld devices. Efficiency-related issues are addressed. A power receiver architecture which improves power conversion efficiency is proposed. Design hints are provided for further applications. Comparison with a conventional architecture is provided as well. Laboratory prototypes of both the proposed and the conventional architectures have been realised. Both prototypes are tested by using the same power transmitter to perform a valuable comparison. As shown by the experimental results, in the receiver side power conversion efficiency is increased up to 99% thanks to the proposed solution.

research product

An inductive charger for automotive applications

The inductive charging represents a valid solution for the power transfer in automotive applications. Due to the Inductive Power Transfer (IPT), the wireless battery charging of Electric Vehicles (EVs) provides several benefits. In this paper, an inductive charger which is particularly suitable for electrical bicycles is proposed. A practical realization of the system has been carried out, and the system has been tested in terms of working and efficiency. Through a Phase Shift Modulation (PSM), a power regulation has been implemented. The target power is 100 W.

research product

Efficiency optimization in bi-directional inductive power transfer systems

Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) allows to wirelessly supply electronic devices. Thus, it is a very smart technique of battery charging for electric vehicles. In a parking area scenario, IPT is a proper method aiming at the energy transfer from the vehicle battery to the electric grid too. Bi-Directional Inductive Power Transfer (BDIPT) Systems are an attractive solution for the automotive market. Due to the great relevance of the energy saving problem, the goal of an efficiency maximization is researched by the energy market. In this paper, an in-depth investigation of the power efficiency in BDIPT systems is carried out, aiming at the optimum efficiency.

research product

Development of bidirectional dc-dc converters for hybrid power sources - Final Report

A Bidirectional Isolated Full-Bridge Converter was designed, prototyped and tested. The device is intended to interface a Bank of Supercapacitors with a battery-powered bus, in order to boost the capability of supplying large power peaks. The converter was based on the Isolated Dual Active Bridge configuration. When driven by an external control voltage, it is capable of generating in both directions a train of current pulses, with 2kW peak power, for any battery voltage in the range 24-32V and for any supercapacitor voltage in the range 35-70V. Worst-case battery current was 70A. Pulse duration was 100ms with 50% duty cycle and 1 ms rise time.

research product