

Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 6

Marcin NobisAndrey ErstArkadiusz NowakDmitry ShauloMarina OlonovaYuriy KotukhovAsli Doğru-kocaAli A. DönmezGergely KirályAleksandr L. EbelMaria KushuninaRenata PiwowarczykAlexander P. SukhorukovAgnieszka NobisFilip VerlooveJoanna Zalewska-gałoszGolshan ZareJean-françois BurriDanka CakovićElżbieta JędrzejczakNejc JoganEwelina KlichowskaArtur PliszkoAnton V. PopovichDanijela SteševićUrban ŠIlcNatalia TupitsynaVladimir M. VasjukovWei WangPhilippe WernerMagdalena N. WolaninMateusz M. WolaninKunli Xiang


0106 biological sciencesAsiaсосудистые растенияnative speciesalien speciesPlant Science010603 evolutionary biology01 natural sciencesEuropetaxonomyChorologyсистематика растенийchorology010606 plant biology & botany


The paper presents new records for 10 vascular plant species from three Asian and four European countries. Of this number, three species (Panicum capillare, Stipa macroglossa, Tribulus longipetalus) are reported from Tajikistan, two (Calamagrostis emodensis, Calamagrostis lahulensis) from Myanmar, two (Euphorbia taurinensis, Origanum vulgare var. megastachyum) from Poland, one (Sagina apetala) from Uzbekistan, one (Orobanche ritro) from Ukraine and Russia, and one (Leontodon saxatilis) from the Czech Republic. Eight of these taxa are new to the flora of different Asian and European countries; and two, very rare but recently spreading species, namely Leontodon saxatilis and Euphorbia taurinensis, were reported from the Czech Republic and Poland, respectively. Four of the taxa presented (Euphorbia taurinensis, Panicum capillare, Sagina apetala and Tribulus longipetalus) should be regarded as alien to the studied areas, intensively spreading or even invasive, whereas the other six are native elements given for the first time from the countries. In each of the species, synonyms, the general distribution, habitat preferences and habitats occupied in the particular country, taxonomy with remarks on recognition and differentiating the species from the most similar occurring in particular country as well as a list of localities of examined species occurring in a given country, often far from the previously known areas, were presented. In the case of Stipa macroglossa a lectotype for the species was designated in the present paper. Illustrations for Stipa macroglossa and Orobanche ritro were also provided.
