Impacts des réseaux viaires sur les mobilités urbaines : quelques illustrations
Jean-christophe FoltêteCyrille Genre-grandpierreDidier Josselinsubject
transport à la demandemobilitésmobilities[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyformemétrique lente[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyshapesyntaxe spatialespatial syntax[ SHS.GEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographymetricsefficacitéefficiencyslow metricmétrique des réseauxpedestrian movementdéplacements pédestresexternalités des réseauxstructuredemand responsive transportnetwork externalitiesdescription
This research aims to find the impact of the network shape and structure on the urban mobilities, in order to fight against the automobile dependency and to include the externalities in the network design. Three examples illustrate this objective. The first one shows the influence of the network shape on the pedestrian urban flows. The second one emphasizes how sensitive to the network structure is the efficiency of a very flexible Demand Responsive Transport. The third example demonstrates that the network metric is favourable to the automobile and how it can be possible to apply an alternative metric, called the “slow metric” to reduce the urban sprawling and the automobile dependency.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2008-01-01 |