

Measurement of the π0, η, η′ Transition Form Factors at BABAR

Achim Denig


PseudoscalarQuantum chromodynamicsPhysicsNuclear physicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsPionMesonHadronForm factor (quantum field theory)Pseudoscalar mesonAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsDimensionless quantity


Abstract Measurements of the transition form factors of the pseudoscalar mesons π 0 , η, η ′ have been carried out by the BABAR collaboration at the SLAC B-factory PEP-II. The form factors F ( Q 2 ) were measured in two-photon processes covering the kinematic range 4 GeV 2 Q 2 40 GeV 2 . For the π 0 form factor, results are significantly higher than predicted by Brodsky and Lepage assuming an asymptotic distribution amplitude. Data also suggest that the asymptotic regime of QCD is reached only at relatively high Q 2 . We also report on measurements of the η and η ′ transition form factors, which happen to feature a significantly different Q 2 behaviour than the one of the neutral pion.
