

Politica e pianificazione linguistica (PPL) nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese, fra interventi sulle lingue e (auto/etero) rappresentazioni. Note in margine a una traduzione

D'agostino M.Cui Weiwei


Settore L-FIL-LET/12 - Linguistica Italianalanguage policy and planning people's Republic of China fanygan dialect language harmony


Language Policy and Planning (LPP) in the People’s Republic of China, be- tween Language Interventions and (Self /Hetero) Representation. Marginal Notes of a Translation The aim of this paper is to present some relevant themes of Language Policy and Planning in the People’s Republic of China focusing on two key terms: fangyan (often translated as ‘dialects’) and ‘language harmony’ (yuyan hexie ). Both of them do not belong to the western linguistic tradi- tion and are therefore of particular interest. The paper examines official texts from the last ten years.
