Measurement of triple gauge WWγ couplings at LEP2 using photonic events
Barate RBuskulic DDecamp DGhez PGoy CJezequel SLees JpLucotte AMartin FMerle EMinard MnNief JyPerrodo PPietrzyk BAlemany RCasado MpChmeissani MCrespo JmDelfino MFernandez EFernandez Bosman MGarrido LGrauges EJuste AMartinez MMerino GMiquel RMir LmMorawitz PPacheco APark IcPascual ARiu ISanchez FColaleo ACreanza DDe Palma MGelao GIaselli GMaggi GMaggi MNuzzo SRanieri ARaso GRuggieri FSelvaggi GSilvestris LTempesta PTricomi AZito GHuang XLin JOuyang QWang TXie YXu RXue SZhang JZhang LZhao WAbbaneo DBecker UBoix GCattaneo MCerutti FCiulli VDissertori GDrevermann HForty RwFrank MGianotti FHalley AwHansen JbHarvey JJanot PJost BLehraus ILeroy OLoomis CMaley PMato PMinten AMoneta LMoutoussi AQi NRanjard FRousseau DSchlatter DSchmitt MSchneider OTejessy WTeubert FTomalin IrTournefier EVreeswijk MWachsmuth HAjaltouni ZBadaud FChazelle GDeschamps ODessagne SFalvard AFerdi CGay PGuicheney CHenrard PJousset JMichel BMonteil SMontret JcPallin DPerret PPodlyski FHansen JdHansen JrHansen PhNilsson BsRensch BWaananen ADaskalakis GKyriakis AMarkou CSimopoulou EVayaki ABlondel ABrient JcMachefert FRouge ARumpf MTanaka RValassi AVideau HFocardi EParrini GZachariadou KCavanaugh RCorden MGeorgiopoulos CHuehn TJaffe DeAntonelli ABencivenni GBologna GBossi FCampana PCapon GChiarella VLaurelli PMannocchi GMurtas FMurtas GpPassalacqua LPepe Altarelli MChalmers MCurtis LLynch JgNegus PO'shea VRaeven BRaine CSmith DTeixeira Dias PThompson AsThomson EWard JjBuchmuller ODhamotharan SGeweniger CHanke PHansper GHepp VKluge EePutzer ASommer JTittel KWerner SWunsch MBeuselinck RBinnie DmCameron WDornan PjGirone MGoodsir SMarinelli NMartin EbNash JSedgbeer JkSpagnolo PWilliams MdGhete VmGirtler PKneringer EKuhn DRudolph GBetteridge ApBowdery CkBuck PgColrain PCrawford GEllis GFinch AjFoster FHughes GJones RwlRobertson AnWilliams MiVan Gemmeren PGiehl IHoffmann CJakobs KKleinknecht KKrocker MNurnberger HaQuast GRenk BRohne ESander HgSchmeling SZeitnitz CZiegler TAubert JjBenchouk CBonissent ACarr JCoyle PEalet AFouchez DMotsch FPayre PTalby MThulasidas MTilquin AAleppo MAntonelli MRagusa FBerlich RBuscher VDietl HGanis GHuttmann KLutjens GMannert CManner WMoser HgSchael SSettles RSeywerd HStenzel HWiedenmann WWolf GAzzurri PBoucrot JCallot OChen SDavier MDuflot LGrivaz JfHeusse PJacholkowska AKado MLefrancois JSerin LVeillet JjVideau IDe Regie JbdZerwas DBagliesi GBettarini SBoccali TBozzi CCalderini GDell'orso RFerrante IGiassi AGregorio AAlberto LusianiMarrocchesi PsMessineo APalla FRizzo GSanguinetti GSciaba ASguazzoni GTenchini RVannini CVenturi AVerdini PgBlair GaChambers JtColes JCowan GGreen MgMedcalf TStrong JaVon Wimmersperg Toeller JhBotterill DrClifft RwEdgecock TrNorton PrThompson JcWright AeBloch Devaux BColas PFabbro BFaif GLancon ELemaire McLocci EPerez PPrzysiezniak HRander JRenardy JfRosowsky AA. TrabelsiTuchming BVallage BBlack SnDann JhKim HyKonstantinidis NLitke AmMcneil MaTaylor GBooth CnCartwright SCombley FKelly MsLehto MThompson LfAffholderbach KBohrer ABrandt SFoss JGrupen CPrange GSmolik LStephan FGiannini GGobbo BPutz JRothberg JWasserbaech SWilliams RwArmstrong SrCharles EElmer PFerguson DpsGao YGonzalez SGreening TcHayes OjHu HJin SMcnamara PaNachtman JmNielsen JOrejudos WPan YbSaadi YScott IjWalsh JWu SlWu XZobernig GRi Jones Roger/h 5578 2011 Passalacqua Luca/f 5127 2011 Murtas Fabrizio/b 5729 2012 O'shea Val/g 1279 2010 Ferrante Isidoro/f 1017 2012Luigi RolandiFranco Ligabuesubject
PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsMissing energyPhotonLuminosity (scattering theory)Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaElectron–positron annihilationLEPGauge (firearms)LambdaStandard ModelALEPH Experimenttriple gauge WWgammaNuclear physicsALEPH Experiment; LEP; triple gauge WWgammaHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentAstrophysics::Earth and Planetary AstrophysicsNuclear ExperimentALEPH experimentParticle Physics - Experimentdescription
A study of events with photons and missing energy has been performed with the data sample obtained with the ALEPH detector at centre-of-mass energies from 161 to 184 GeV,corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of about 80 pb**-1.The measured distributions are in agreement with Standard Model predictions, leading to constraints on W W gamma gauge coupling parameters Delta(kappa_gamma) and lambda_gamma. The results from the fit to the cross sectionsand to the energy and angular distributions of the photons are: Delta(kappa_gamma) = 0.05 +1.15/-1.10 (stat) +/- 0.25 (syst) lambda_gamma = 0.05 +1.55/-1.45 (stat) +/- 0.30 (syst) A study of events with photons and missing energy has been performed with the data sample obtained with the ALEPH detector at centre-of-mass energies from 161 to 184 GeV,corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of about 80 pb**-1. The measured distributions are in agreement with Standard Model predictions, leading to constraints on W W gamma gauge coupling parameters Delta(kappa_gamma) and lambda_gamma. The results from the fit to the cross sections and to the energy and angular distributions of the photons are: Delta(kappa_gamma) = 0.05 +1.15/-1.10 (stat) +/- 0.25 (syst) lambda_gamma = 0.05 +1.55/-1.45 (stat) +/- 0.30 (syst)
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1998-01-01 | Physics Letters B |