

Quel statut pour les espaces de montagne durant l'âge du Bronze ? Regards croisés sur les approches société-environnement dans les Pyrénées occidentales

Fabrice MonnaLaurent CarozzaDidier GalopFabrice Marembert


milieu montagnard[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistorymountain[ SHS.ENVIR ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studies[ SHS.GEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[SHS.ENVIR] Humanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studiesclimatemodelling.MathematicsmodélisationBronze agemétallurgie[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistoryclimatmetallurgyterritory[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyanthropisationpastoralismeressourceshuman activitiesâge du Bronze[ SHS.ARCHEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ENVIR]Humanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studiesresourcesHumanitiespastoralismterritoires


After having been neglected for some time, mountain environments have now become an important research area for the study of anthropogenic impact on the environment and the interactions of societies with their environments. The recent development of several interdisciplinary programs in the Alps and in the Pyrenees reveals the interest and the scientific questions associated with these domains. In the Pyrenees, the work undertaken in the Basque Country illustrates the utility of the development of multidisciplinary research on a large scale, which is both diachronic and has a high resolution chronology. Combining environmental and archaeological data, allows us to present an image of population dynamics, and the function of certain spaces. Such areas were structured by activities such as pastoralism, farming and the exploitation of minerals.
