

Building Bridges for Innovation in Ageing: Synergies between Action Groups of the EIP on AHA.

Jean BousquetM. BewickA. CanoP. EklundG. FicoN. GoswamiN. A. GuldemondD. HendersonM. J. HinkemaG. LiottaA. MairW. MolloyA. MonacoI. Monsonis-payaA. NizinskaH. PapadopoulosA. PavlickovaS. PecorelliA. Prados-torresR. E. Roller-wirnsbergerD. SomekhC. Vera-muñozF. VisserJ. FarrellJ. MalvaK. Andersen RanbergThierry CamuzatA. M. CarriazoGeorge CrooksZ. GutterG. IaccarinoE. M. De KeenoyG. ModaL. Rodriguez-mañasT. VontetsianosC. AbreuJ. AlonsoC. Alonso-bouzonJ. AnkriM. T. ArredondoF. AvolioAnna BedbrookA. Z. BiałoszewskiHubert BlainRodolphe BourretM. F. Cabrera-umpierrezA. CatalaR. O’caoimhM. CesariNiels H. ChavannesJ. Correia-da-sousaAntoni DedeuM. FerrandoM. FerriW. J. FokkensF. Garcia-lizanaO. GuérinP. W. HellingsT. HaahtelaM. IllarioM. C. InzerilliK. C. Lodrup CarlsenP. KardasT. KeilM. MaggioA. Mendez-zorrillaE. MendittoJacques MercierJ. P. MichelR. MurrayM. NoguesI. O’byrne-maguireD. PappaA. S. ParentM. PastorinoC. Robalo-cordeiroB. SamolinskiP. SicilianoA. M. TeixeiraS. I. TsartaraA. ValiulisO. VandenplasT. VasankariB. VellasM. Vollenbroek-huttenM. WickmanA. YorganciogluT. ZuberbierCarlo M. BarbagalloG. W. CanonicaL. KlimekStefania MaggiW. AbererC. A. AkdisI. M. AdcockI. AgacheC. AlberaF. Alonso-trujilloM. Angel GuarciaI. Annesi-maesanoJ. ApostoloS. H. ArshadV. AttalinAntoine AvignonC. BachertI. BaroniE. H. BelM. BensonC. BescosF. BlasiCristina BarbaraK. C. BergmannP. L. BernardS. BoniniJean BousquetB. BranchiniC. E. BrightlingV. BruguièreC. BunuA. BushD. P. CaimmiM. A. CalderonG. CanovasV. CardonaK. H. CarlsenA. CesarioE. ChkhartishviliR. ChironT. Chivato PérezK. F. ChungM. D’angelantonioG. De CarloD. CholleyF. ChorinB. CombeB. CompasDavid J. CostaE. CostaO. CosteA. L. CoupetG. CrepaldiAdnan CustovicR. DahlS. E. DahlenPascal DemolyP. DevillierA. DidierA. T. Dinh-xuanR. DjukanovicD. DokicG. Du ToitR. DubakieneA. DupeyronR. EmuzyteA. FiocchiA. Fink WagnerM. FletcherJ. A. FonsecaB. FougèreA. GamkrelidzeG. GarcesJudith Garcia-aymerichB. Garcia-zapirainB. GemicioǧluC. GouderB. Hellquist-dahlI. Hermosilla-gimenoD. HeveC. HollandM. HumbertM. E. HylandS. L. JohnstonJ. JustM. JutelI. P. KaidashevM. R. KaitovO. KalayciA. F. KalyoncuW. KeijserH. A. M. KerstjensJ. KnezovićM. L. KowalskiG. H. KoppelmanT. KotskaM. KovacI. KullP. KunaV. KvedarieneV. LeporeW. MacneeM. MaggioA. MagnanI. MajerP. J. ManningM. MarcucciT. MartiM. MasoliE. MelénN. MiculinicF. MihaltanB. MilenkovicJ. Millot-keurinckH. MlinarićI. MomasS. MontefortM. Morais AlmeidaT. Moreno-casbasR. MosgesJ. MullolR. NadifM. NalinE. Navarro-pardoK. NekamG. NinotD. PaccardS. PaisE. PalummeriP. PanznerN. K. PapadopoulosC. PapanikolaouG. PassalacquaE. PastorM. PerrotD. PlavecT. A. PopovD. S. PostmaD. PriceN. RaffortJ. C. ReuzeauJ. M. RobineF. RodenasF. RobustoN. RocheA. RomanoV. RomanoJ. Rosado-pintoF. RoubilleF. RuizD. RyanT. SalcedoP. Schmid-grendelmeierH. SchulzH. J. SchunemannE. SerranoA. SheikhK. M. ShieldsN. SiafakasN. ScichiloneP. SicilianoI. SkrindoH. A. SmitS. SourdetE. Sousa-costaO. SprangerT. SooronbaevV. SrukP. J. SterkA. Todo-bomJ. TouchonD. TramontanoM. TriggianiS. I. TsartaraA. L. ValeroE. ValovirtaE. Van GanseM. Van HageM. Van Den BergeO. VandenplasM. T. VenturaI. VergaraG. VezzaniD. VidalGiovanni ViegiM. WagenmannB. WhalleyM. WickmanN. WilsonPanayiotis K. YiallourosM. ŽAgarA. ZaidiM. ZidarnE. J. HoogerwerfJ. UseroR. ZuffadaA. SennB. De Oliveira-alvesJean BousquetM. BewickA. CanoP. EklundG. FicoN. GoswamiN. A. GuldemondD. HendersonM. J. HinkemaG. LiottaA. MairW. MolloyA. MonacoI. Monsonis-payaA. NizinskaH. PapadopoulosA. PavlickovaS. PecorelliA. Prados-torresR. E. Roller-wirnsbergerD. SomekhC. Vera-muñozF. VisserJ. FarrellJ. MalvaK. Andersen RanbergThierry CamuzatA. M. CarriazoGeorge CrooksZ. GutterG. IaccarinoE. M. De KeenoyG. ModaL. Rodriguez-mañasT. VontetsianosC. AbreuJ. AlonsoC. Alonso-bouzonJ. AnkriM. T. ArredondoF. AvolioAnna BedbrookA. Z. BiałoszewskiHubert BlainRodolphe BourretM. F. Cabrera-umpierrezA. CatalaR. O’caoimhM. CesariNiels H. ChavannesJ. Correia-da-sousaAntoni DedeuM. FerrandoM. FerriW. J. FokkensF. Garcia-lizanaO. GuérinP. W. HellingsT. HaahtelaM. IllarioM. C. InzerilliK. C. Lodrup CarlsenP. KardasT. KeilM. MaggioA. Mendez-zorrillaE. MendittoJacques MercierJ. P. MichelR. MurrayM. NoguesI. O’byrne-maguireD. PappaA. S. ParentM. PastorinoC. Robalo-cordeiroB. SamolinskiP. SicilianoA. M. TeixeiraS. I. TsartaraA. ValiulisO. VandenplasT. VasankariB. VellasM. Vollenbroek-huttenM. WickmanA. YorganciogluT. ZuberbierCarlo M. BarbagalloG. W. CanonicaL. KlimekStefania MaggiW. AbererC. A. AkdisI. M. AdcockI. AgacheC. AlberaF. Alonso-trujilloM. Angel GuarciaI. Annesi-maesanoJ. ApostoloS. H. ArshadV. AttalinAntoine AvignonC. BachertI. BaroniE. H. BelM. BensonC. BescosF. BlasiCristina BarbaraK. C. BergmannP. L. BernardS. BoniniJean BousquetB. BranchiniC. E. BrightlingV. BruguièreC. BunuA. BushD. P. CaimmiM. A. CalderonG. CanovasV. CardonaK. H. CarlsenA. CesarioE. ChkhartishviliR. ChironT. Chivato PérezK. F. ChungM. D’angelantonioG. De CarloD. CholleyF. ChorinB. CombeB. CompasDavid J. CostaE. CostaO. CosteA. L. CoupetG. CrepaldiAdnan CustovicR. DahlS. E. DahlenPascal DemolyP. DevillierA. DidierA. T. Dinh-xuanR. DjukanovicD. DokicG. Du ToitR. DubakieneA. DupeyronR. EmuzyteA. FiocchiA. Fink WagnerM. FletcherJ. A. FonsecaB. FougèreA. GamkrelidzeG. GarcesJudith Garcia-aymerichB. Garcia-zapirainB. GemicioǧluC. GouderB. Hellquist-dahlI. Hermosilla-gimenoD. HeveC. HollandM. HumbertM. E. HylandS. L. JohnstonJ. JustM. JutelI. P. KaidashevM. R. KaitovO. KalayciA. F. KalyoncuW. KeijserH. A. M. KerstjensJ. KnezovićM. L. KowalskiG. H. KoppelmanT. KotskaM. KovacI. KullP. KunaV. KvedarieneV. LeporeW. MacneeM. MaggioA. MagnanI. MajerP. J. ManningM. MarcucciT. MartiM. MasoliE. MelénN. MiculinicF. MihaltanB. MilenkovicJ. Millot-keurinckH. MlinarićI. MomasS. MontefortM. Morais AlmeidaT. Moreno-casbasR. MosgesJ. MullolR. NadifM. NalinE. Navarro-pardoK. NekamG. NinotD. PaccardS. PaisE. PalummeriP. PanznerN. K. PapadopoulosC. PapanikolaouG. PassalacquaE. PastorM. PerrotD. PlavecT. A. PopovD. S. PostmaD. PriceN. RaffortJ. C. ReuzeauJ. M. RobineF. RodenasF. RobustoN. RocheA. RomanoV. RomanoJ. Rosado-pintoF. RoubilleF. RuizD. RyanT. SalcedoP. Schmid-grendelmeierH. SchulzH. J. SchunemannE. SerranoA. SheikhK. M. ShieldsN. SiafakasN. ScichiloneP. SicilianoI. SkrindoH. A. SmitS. SourdetE. Sousa-costaO. SprangerT. SooronbaevV. SrukP. J. SterkA. Todo-bomJ. TouchonD. TramontanoM. TriggianiS. I. TsartaraA. L. ValeroE. ValovirtaE. Van GanseM. Van HageM. Van Den BergeO. VandenplasM. T. VenturaI. VergaraG. VezzaniD. VidalGiovanni ViegiM. WagenmannB. WhalleyM. WickmanN. WilsonPanayiotis K. YiallourosM. ŽAgarA. ZaidiM. ZidarnE. J. HoogerwerfJ. UseroR. ZuffadaA. SennB. De Oliveira-alvesJean BousquetM. BewickA. CanoP. EklundG. FicoN. GoswamiN. A. GuldemondD. HendersonM. J. HinkemaG. LiottaA. MairW. MolloyA. MonacoI. Monsonis-payaA. NizinskaH. PapadopoulosA. PavlickovaS. PecorelliA. Prados-torresR. E. Roller-wirnsbergerD. SomekhC. Vera-muñozF. VisserJ. FarrellJ. MalvaK. Andersen RanbergThierry CamuzatA. M. CarriazoGeorge CrooksZ. GutterG. IaccarinoE. M. De KeenoyG. ModaL. Rodriguez-mañasT. VontetsianosC. AbreuJ. AlonsoC. Alonso-bouzonJ. AnkriM. T. ArredondoF. AvolioAnna BedbrookA. Z. BiałoszewskiHubert BlainRodolphe BourretM. F. Cabrera-umpierrezA. CatalaR. O’caoimhM. CesariNiels H. ChavannesJ. Correia-da-sousaAntoni DedeuM. FerrandoM. FerriW. J. FokkensF. Garcia-lizanaO. GuérinP. W. HellingsT. HaahtelaM. IllarioM. C. InzerilliK. C. Lodrup CarlsenP. KardasT. KeilM. MaggioA. Mendez-zorrillaE. MendittoJacques MercierJ. P. MichelR. MurrayM. NoguesI. O’byrne-maguireD. PappaA. S. ParentM. PastorinoC. Robalo-cordeiroB. SamolinskiP. SicilianoA. M. TeixeiraS. I. TsartaraA. ValiulisO. VandenplasT. VasankariB. VellasM. Vollenbroek-huttenM. WickmanA. YorganciogluT. ZuberbierCarlo M. BarbagalloG. W. CanonicaL. KlimekStefania MaggiW. AbererC. A. AkdisI. M. AdcockI. AgacheC. AlberaF. Alonso-trujilloM. Angel GuarciaI. Annesi-maesanoJ. ApostoloS. H. ArshadV. AttalinAntoine AvignonC. BachertI. BaroniE. H. BelM. BensonC. BescosF. BlasiCristina BarbaraK. C. BergmannP. L. BernardS. BoniniJean BousquetB. BranchiniC. E. BrightlingV. BruguièreC. BunuA. BushD. P. CaimmiM. A. CalderonG. CanovasV. CardonaK. H. CarlsenA. CesarioE. ChkhartishviliR. ChironT. Chivato PérezK. F. ChungM. D’angelantonioG. De CarloD. CholleyF. ChorinB. CombeB. CompasDavid J. CostaE. CostaO. CosteA. L. CoupetG. CrepaldiAdnan CustovicR. DahlS. E. DahlenPascal DemolyP. DevillierA. DidierA. T. Dinh-xuanR. DjukanovicD. DokicG. Du ToitR. DubakieneA. DupeyronR. EmuzyteA. FiocchiA. Fink WagnerM. FletcherJ. A. FonsecaB. FougèreA. GamkrelidzeG. GarcesJudith Garcia-aymerichB. Garcia-zapirainB. GemicioǧluC. GouderB. Hellquist-dahlI. Hermosilla-gimenoD. HeveC. HollandM. HumbertM. E. HylandS. L. JohnstonJ. JustM. JutelI. P. KaidashevM. R. KaitovO. KalayciA. F. KalyoncuW. KeijserH. A. M. KerstjensJ. KnezovićM. L. KowalskiG. H. KoppelmanT. KotskaM. KovacI. KullP. KunaV. KvedarieneV. LeporeW. MacneeM. MaggioA. MagnanI. MajerP. J. ManningM. MarcucciT. MartiM. MasoliE. MelénN. MiculinicF. MihaltanB. MilenkovicJ. Millot-keurinckH. MlinarićI. MomasS. MontefortM. Morais AlmeidaT. Moreno-casbasR. MosgesJ. MullolR. NadifM. NalinE. Navarro-pardoK. NekamG. NinotD. PaccardS. PaisE. PalummeriP. PanznerN. K. PapadopoulosC. PapanikolaouG. PassalacquaE. PastorM. PerrotD. PlavecT. A. PopovD. S. PostmaD. PriceN. RaffortJ. C. ReuzeauJ. M. RobineF. RodenasF. RobustoN. RocheA. RomanoV. RomanoJ. Rosado-pintoF. RoubilleF. RuizD. RyanT. SalcedoP. Schmid-grendelmeierH. SchulzH. J. SchunemannE. SerranoA. SheikhK. M. ShieldsN. SiafakasN. ScichiloneP. SicilianoI. SkrindoH. A. SmitS. SourdetE. Sousa-costaO. SprangerT. SooronbaevV. SrukP. J. SterkA. Todo-bomJ. TouchonD. TramontanoM. TriggianiS. I. TsartaraA. L. ValeroE. ValovirtaE. Van GanseM. Van HageM. Van Den BergeO. VandenplasM. T. VenturaI. VergaraG. VezzaniD. VidalGiovanni ViegiM. WagenmannB. WhalleyM. WickmanN. WilsonM. ŽAgarA. ZaidiM. ZidarnE. J. HoogerwerfJ. UseroR. ZuffadaA. SennB. De Oliveira-alves


AgingProcess managementGeriatrics & GerontologyEuropean Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing polypharmacy education falls frailty integrated care citizen empowerment chronic respiratory diseasesHealth BehaviorChronic respiratory diseasesPARTNERSHIPCoaching[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences0302 clinical medicineSurveys and Questionnaires80 and overMedicineCooperative BehaviorComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSInterventionsmedia_commonintegrated careAged 80 and over:Enginyeria biomèdica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC]Multiple Chronic ConditionOrganizational Innovation3. Good healthCHRONIC RESPIRATORY-DISEASESHealthAction planGeneral partnershipFallsHEALTHPartnershipINTERVENTIONSHumanmedia_common.quotation_subjectfallFrail ElderlyEuropean Continental Ancestry GroupBioengineeringWhite PeopleEducation03 medical and health sciencesEUROPEAN-UNIONActive and Healthy Ageingmedia_common.cataloged_instanceHumansBioenginyeriaEuropean unionAgedScience & TechnologyNutrition & DieteticsPreventionPREVENTIONCitizen empowerment030228 respiratory systemAction (philosophy)European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing; polypharmacy; education; falls; frailty; integrated care; citizen empowerment; chronic respiratory diseases; Accidental Falls; Aged; Aged 80 and over; Chronic Disease; Cooperative Behavior; Europe; Frail Elderly; Humans; Multiple Chronic Conditions; Organizational Innovation; Polypharmacy; Surveys and Questionnaires; Aging; European Continental Ancestry Group; Health BehaviorGeriatrics and GerontologyGerontologySettore MED/09 - Medicina Interna[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONEMPOWERMENTMedicine (miscellaneous)Medicine (miscellaneous); Nutrition and Dietetics; Geriatrics and GerontologyChronic respiratory-diseasesAllergic rhinitisQUALITY-OF-LIFEEuropean-UnionNutrition and DieteticSurveys and Questionnaire030212 general & internal medicineMultiple Chronic ConditionsEmpowermenteducationNutrition and DieteticsFrailtyAccidental FallIntegrated careALLERGIC RHINITISEuropeSettore MED/42EmpowermentLife Sciences & BiomedicinefrailtyEuropean Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy AgeingJournal ArticleMETIS-318216IR-101708Responsible Research and Innovationbusiness.industrychronic respiratory diseaseIntegrated careOperational definition3121 General medicine internal medicine and other clinical medicineChronic DiseasePolypharmacycitizen empowermentAccidental Fallschronic respiratory diseases; citizen empowerment; education; European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing; falls; frailty; integrated care; polypharmacy; Medicine (miscellaneous); Nutrition and Dietetics; Geriatrics and GerontologyQuality-of-lifebusiness[SDV.MHEP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology


The Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) proposed six Action Groups. After almost three years of activity, many achievements have been obtained through commitments or collaborative work of the Action Groups. However, they have often worked in silos and, consequently, synergies between Action Groups have been proposed to strengthen the triple win of the EIP on AHA. The paper presents the methodology and current status of the Task Force on EIP on AHA synergies. Synergies are in line with the Action Groups' new Renovated Action Plan (2016-2018) to ensure that their future objectives are coherent and fully connected. The outcomes and impact of synergies are using the Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the EIP on AHA (MAFEIP). Eight proposals for synergies have been approved by the Task Force: Five cross-cutting synergies which can be used for all current and future synergies as they consider overarching domains (appropriate polypharmacy, citizen empowerment, teaching and coaching on AHA, deployment of synergies to EU regions, Responsible Research and Innovation), and three cross-cutting synergies focussing on current Action Group activities (falls, frailty, integrated care and chronic respiratory diseases).
