

Ius facit populum. Sul rapporto tra diritto e popolo nel Medioevo rileggendo Walter Ullmann

Marta Cerrito


Settore IUS/19 - Storia Del Diritto Medievale E ModernoWalter Ullmann historiography Ascending power Descending power Francesco Calasso populus iurisdictio Bartolus of Sassoferrato


In 1961, Walter Ullmann studied the characteristics of Politics and Government in the Middle Ages and he theorized two different models of power and law: the Ascending and Descending Themes of Government. In the same years, Francesco Calasso encouraged a renewal of Legal History and he developed the system of ius commune. Going through the famous theory proposed by Ullmann in Principles of Government and Politics in the Middle Ages, this paper aims at analyzing the concept of power during the period of ius commune and connecting these observations with the Calasso’s lesson.
