

Nuove regole di applicazione del diritto UE in sede nazionale?

Ginevra Greco


the need for a preliminary rulingthe temporary suspension of the ousting effect of a rule of EU law by national courts.the direct effect of the directivethe overcoming of the res judicataSettore IUS/14 - Diritto dell'Unione Europeathe temporary suspension of the ousting effect of a rule of EU law by national courtsthe direct effect of the directivesthe limits of the non-application of the lawthe so-called double preliminary rulingthe direct effect of the directives; the so-called double preliminary ruling; the need for a preliminary ruling; the limits of the non-application of the law; the overcoming of the res judicata; the temporary suspension of the ousting effect of a rule of EU law by national courts


Two important judgments of the Consiglio di Stato (Italy) allow revisiting general institutions relating to the primacy of EU law and the instruments that guarantee its application in national law. Among others are the direct effect of the directives, the need for a preliminary ruling, and the so-called double preliminary ruling. Finally, the essay highlights some critical issues regarding the limits of the non-application of the law, the overcoming of the res judicata, and the temporary suspension of the ousting effect of a rule of EU law by national courts.
