

Relationship between the Clinical Frailty Scale and short-term mortality in patients ≥ 80 years old acutely admitted to the ICU: a prospective cohort study.

Jakub FronczekKamil PolokDylan W. De LangeChristian JungMichael BeilAndrew RhodesJesper FjølnerJacek GórkaFinn H. AndersenAntonio ArtigasMaurizio CecconiSteffen ChristensenMichael JoannidisSusannah LeaverBrian MarshAlessandro MorandiRui MorenoSandra OeyenChristina Agvald-öhmanBernardo Bollen PintoJoerg C. SchefoldAndreas ValentinSten WaltherXimena WatsonTilemachos ZafeiridisSigal SviriPeter Vernon Van HeerdenHans FlaattenBertrand GuidetWojciech SzczeklikR. SchmutzF. WimmerP. EllerM. JoannidisP. De BuysscherN. De NeveS. OeyenW. SwinnenB. Bollen PintoP. AbrahamL. HergafiJ. C. SchefoldE. BiskupP. PizaI. TaliadorosJ. FjølnerN. DeyC. SøllingB. S. RasmussenS. ChristensenX. ForcevilleG. BeschH. MentecP. MichelP. MateuP. MichelL. VettorettiJ. BourenneN. MarinM. GuillotN. AissaouiC. GoulenokN. Thieulot-rolinJ. MessikaL. LamhautB. GuidetC. CharronA. LautenA. L. SacherT. BrennerM. FranzF. BloosH. EbeltS. J. SchallerK. FuestC. RabeT. DieckS. SteinerT. GrafA. M. NiaC. JungR. A. JanosiP. MeybohmP. SimonS. UtzolinoT. RahmelE. BarthC. JungM. SchusterZ. AidoniS. AloizosP. TasioudisK. LampiriV. ZisopoulouI. RavaniE. PagakiA. AntoniouT. A. KatsoulasA. KounougeriG. MarinakisF. TsimpoukasA. SpyropoulouP. ZygoulisA. KyparissiM. GuptaM. GurjarI. M. MajiI. HayesB. MarshY. KellyA. WestbrookG. FitzpatrickD. MaheshwariC. MotherwayG. NegriS. SpadaroG. NattinoM. PedeferriA. BoscoloS. RossiG. CalicchioL. CubattoliG. Di LascioM. BarbagalloF. BerrutoD. CodazziA. BottazziP. FumagalliG. NegroG. LupiF. SavelliG. A. VulcanoR. FumagalliA. MarudiU. LefonsR. LemboM. BabiniA. PaggioroV. ParriniM. ZaccariaS. ClementiC. GigliutoF. FacondiniS. PastoriniS. MunaronI. CalamaiA. BocchiA. AdorniM. G. BocciA. CortegianiT. CasalicchioS. MelleaE. GrazianiM. BarattiniE. BrizioM. RossiM. HahnH. FlaattenN. KemmererH. F. StrietzelK. DybwikT. LegernaesP. KlepstadE. B. OlaussenK. I. OlsenO. M. BrresenG. BjorsvikF. H. AndersenS. MainiL. FehrleM. CzuczwarP. KrawczykM. ZiętkiewiczŁ. R. NowakK. KotfisK. CwylR. GajdoszJ. BiernawskaR. BohatyrewiczR. GawdaP. GrudzieńP. NasiłowskiN. PopekW. CyrankiewiczK. WawrzyniakM. WnukD. MaciejewskiD. StudzińskaM. ŻUkowskiS. BernasM. PiechotaW. SzczeklikI. Nowak-kózkaJ. FronczekM. SerwaW. MachałaJ. StefaniakM. WujtewiczP. MaciejewskiM. SzymkowiakB. AdamikK. PolokJ. GórkaN. CatorzeM. C. BrancoN. BarrosI. BarrosA. KrystopchukT. HonradoC. SousaF. MunozM. RebeloR. GomesJ. NunesC. DiasA. M. FernandesC. PetrisorB. ConstantinV. BelskiyB. BoskholovE. RodriguezG. AguilarG. MasdeuM. I. JaimesA. P. MiraM. A. BodiJ. A. B. MendozaS. López-cuencaM. H. GuzmanJ. Rico-feijooM. IbarzJ. Trenado AlvarezR. KawatiJ. SivikJ. NauskaD. SmoleF. ParenmarkJ. LyrénK. RockstrohS. RydénM. SpångforsM. StrinnholmS. WaltherL. De GeerP. NordlundS. PålssonH. ZetterquistA. NilssonK. ThiringerM. JungnerB. BarkB. NordlingH. SköldC. BrorssonS. PerssonA. BergströmJ. BerkiusJ. HolmströmI. Van DijkL. E. M. Van Lelyveld-haasT. JansenF. NooteboomP. H. J. Van Der VoortD. De LangeW. DieperinkM. C. De WaardA. G. E. De SmetL. BormansT. DormansG. DempseyS. J. MathewA. S. RajI. GrecuJ. CupittT. LawtonR. ClarkM. PopescuN. SpittleM. FaulknerA. CowtonP. WilliamsE. EllowayM. ReayS. ChukkambotlaR. KumarN. Al-subaieL. KentT. TammI. KajtorK. BurnsR. PughM. OstermannE. KamH. BowyerN. SmithM. TempletonJ. HenningK. GoffinR. KapoorS. LahaP. ChiltonW. KhaliqA. CrayfordS. CoetzeeM. TaitW. StokerM. GimenezA. PopeJ. CamsooksaiD. PogsonK. QuigleyJ. RitzemaA. HormisC. BoulangerM. BalasubramaniamL. VamplewK. BurtD. MartinI. GrecuJ. CraigJ. ProwleN. DoyleJ. SheltonC. ScottP. DonnisonS. SheltonC. FreyC. RyanD. SprayC. RyanV. BarnesK. BarnesS. RidgwayR. SahaL. KentT. ClarkJ. WoodC. BolgerC. BassfordA. CowtonJ. LewandowskiX. ZhaoS. HumphreysS. DowlingN. RichardsonA. BurtenshawC. StevensonD. WilcockY. NalapkoM. JoannidisP. EllerR. HelbokR. SchmutzJ. NolletN. De NeveP. De BuysscherS. OeyenW. SwinnenM. MikačićA. BastiansenA. HustedB. E. S. DahleC. CramerC. SøllingD. ØRsnesJ. Edelberg ThomsenJ. J. PedersenM. Hummelmose EnevoldsenT. ElkmannA. Kubisz-pudelkoA. PopeA. CollinsA. S. RajC. BoulangerC. FreyC. HartC. BolgerD. SprayG. RandellH. FilipeI. D. WeltersI. GrecuJ. EvansJ. CupittJ. LordJ. HenningJ. JonesJ. BallJ. NorthK. SalaunkeyL. Ortiz-ruiz De GordoaL. BellM. BalasubramaniamM. VizcaychipiM. FaulknerM. MupudziM. Lea-hagertyM. ReayM. SpiveyN. LoveN. SpittleN. WhiteP. WilliamsP. MorganP. WakefieldR. SavineR. JacobR. InnesR. KapoorS. HumphreysS. RoseS. DowlingS. LeaverT. ManeT. LawtonV. OgbeideW. KhaliqY. BairdA. RomenA. GalboisB. GuidetC. VinsonneauC. CharronD. TheveninE. GuerotG. BeschG. SavaryH. MentecJ. L. ChagnonJ. P. RigaudJ. P. QuenotJ. CastanerayJ. RosmanJ. MaizelK. TierceletL. VettorettiM. M. HovaereM. MessikaM. DjibréN. RolinP. BurtinP. GarconS. NseirX. ValetteC. RabeE. BarthH. EbeltK. FuestM. FranzM. HoracekM. SchusterP. MeybohmR. Romano BrunoS. AllgäuerS. DublerS. J. SchallerS. ScheringS. SteinerT. DieckT. RahmelT. GrafA. KoutsikouA. VakalosB. RaitsiouE. N. FlioniE. NeouF. TsimpoukasG. PapathanakosG. MarinakisI. KoutsodimitropoulosK. AikateriniN. RovinaS. KoureleaT. PolychronisV. ZidianakisV. KonstantiniaZ. AidoniB. MarshC. MotherwayC. ReadI. Martin-loechesA. Neville CracchioloA. MorigiI. CalamaiS. BrusaA. ElhadiA. TarekA. KhaledH. AhmedW. Ali BelkhairA. D. CornetD. GommersD. De LangeE. Van BovenJ. HaringmanL. HaasL. Van Den BergO. HoitingP. De JagerR. T. GerritsenT. DormansW. DieperinkA. BreidablikA. SlapgardA. K. RimeB. JannestadB. SjøbøeE. RiceF. H. AndersenH. F. StrietzelJ. P. JensenJ. LangørgenK. TøienK. StrandM. HahnP. KlepstadA. BiernackaA. KluzikB. KudlinskiD. MaciejewskiD. StudzińskaH. HymczakJ. StefaniakJ. Solek-pastuszkaJ. ZorskaK. CwylŁ. J. KrzychM. ZukowskiM. Lipińska-gedigaM. PietruszkoM. PiechotaM. SerwaM. CzuczwarM. ZiętkiewiczN. KozeraP. NasiłowskiP. SendurP. ZatorskiP. GalkinR. GawdaU. KościuczukW. CyrankiewiczW. GolaA. F. PintoA. M. FernandesA. R. SantosC. SousaI. BarrosI. A. FerreiraJ. B. BlancoJ. T. CarvalhoJ. MaiaN. CandeiasN. CatorzeV. BelskiyA. LoresA. P. MiraC. CillonizD. Perez-torresE. MasedaE. RodriguezE. Prol-silvaG. EixarchG. GomàG. AguilarG. Navarro VelascoM. Irazábal JaimesM. Ibarz VillamayorN. Llamas FernándezP. Jimeno CuberoS. López-cuencaT. TomasaA. SjöqvistC. BrorssonF. SchiölerH. WestbergJ. NauskaJ. SivikJ. BerkiusK. Kleiven ThiringerL. De GeerS. WaltherF. BoroliJ. C. SchefoldL. HergafiP. EckertI. YıldızI. YovenkoY. NalapkoR. Pugh[Missing] For The Vip1[Missing] Vip2 Study Group


MaleShort term mortalityCritical Care and Intensive Care MedicineCohort Studies0302 clinical medicinekwetsbaarheidMedicine and Health Sciences80 and overMedicine610 Medicine & healthProspective cohort studyCorrelation of Data11 Medical and Health SciencesAged 80 and overOUTCOMESIntensive care unitsFrailtyVIP1Aged&nbspMedical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aidScale (social sciences)Femaleprospectief onderzoekLife Sciences & BiomedicineCRITICALLY-ILL PATIENTS 80 and overStudy groupsmedicine.medical_specialtyAnestesi och intensivvård80 jaar en ouder610 Medicine & healthINTENSIVE-CAREBED AVAILABILITYNO03 medical and health sciencesCritical Care MedicineIntensive caresterfteGeneral & Internal MedicineHumansIntensive care units; Aged; 80 and over; Frailty; Prospective studies; MortalityIn patientddc:610Aged 80 and over; Frailty; Intensive care units; Mortality; Prospective studies; Aged 80 and over; Cohort Studies; Correlation of Data; Female; Frailty; Humans; Intensive Care Units; Logistic Models; Male; Mortality; Prospective StudiesMortalityAgedScience & TechnologyAnesthesiology and Intensive Carebusiness.industryRC86-88.9Research030208 emergency & critical care medicineADULTSAged 80 and over; Frailty; Intensive care units; Mortality; Prospective studies;Emergency & Critical Care MedicineLogistic Models030228 respiratory systemintensivecareafdelingenAged 80 and overCritical illnessEmergency medicineVIP2 study group&nbspCRITICAL ILLNESSbusinessProspective studies


Abstract Background The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is frequently used to measure frailty in critically ill adults. There is wide variation in the approach to analysing the relationship between the CFS score and mortality after admission to the ICU. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of modelling approach on the association between the CFS score and short-term mortality and quantify the prognostic value of frailty in this context. Methods We analysed data from two multicentre prospective cohort studies which enrolled intensive care unit patients ≥ 80 years old in 26 countries. The primary outcome was mortality within 30-days from admission to the ICU. Logistic regression models for both ICU and 30-day mortality included the CFS score as either a categorical, continuous or dichotomous variable and were adjusted for patient’s age, sex, reason for admission to the ICU, and admission Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score. Results The median age in the sample of 7487 consecutive patients was 84 years (IQR 81–87). The highest fraction of new prognostic information from frailty in the context of 30-day mortality was observed when the CFS score was treated as either a categorical variable using all original levels of frailty or a nonlinear continuous variable and was equal to 9% using these modelling approaches (p < 0.001). The relationship between the CFS score and mortality was nonlinear (p < 0.01). Conclusion Knowledge about a patient’s frailty status adds a substantial amount of new prognostic information at the moment of admission to the ICU. Arbitrary simplification of the CFS score into fewer groups than originally intended leads to a loss of information and should be avoided. Trial registration NCT03134807 (VIP1), NCT03370692 (VIP2)
