

Covariant trace formalism for heavy mesons-wave top-wave transitions

J. G. KörnerF. HussainGeorge ThompsonS. Balk


QuarkPhysicsParticle physicsBethe–Salpeter equationPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)MesonHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyHelicityAmplitudePionHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentCovariant transformationWave functionEngineering (miscellaneous)


Heavy meson,s- top-wave, weakb→c transitions are studied in the context of the heavy quark effective theory using covariant meson wave functions. We use the trace formalism to evaluate the weak transitions. As expected from heavy quark symmetry, the eight transitions betweens- andp-wave states are described in terms of only two universal form factors which are given in terms of explicit wave function overlap integrals. We present our results in terms of both invariant and helicity amplitudes. Using our helicity amplitude expressions we discuss rate formulae, helicity structure functions and joint angular decay distributions in the decays $$\bar B \to D^{**} ( \to (D,D^* ) + \pi ) + W^ - ( \to l^ - \bar v_l )$$ . The heavy quark symmetry predictions for the one pion transitionsD **→(D,D *)+π are similarly worked out by using trace techniques.
