

Projective Crystalline Representations of \'Etale Fundamental Groups and Twisted Periodic Higgs-de Rham Flow

Jinbang YangRuiran SunKang Zuo


Pure mathematicsDegree (graph theory)Coprime integersMathematics - Number TheoryAbsolutely irreducibleApplied MathematicsGeneral MathematicsImage (category theory)Order (ring theory)Higgs bundleHiggs fieldMathematics - Algebraic Geometryp-adic Hodge theoryMathematics


This paper contains three new results. {\bf 1}.We introduce new notions of projective crystalline representations and twisted periodic Higgs-de Rham flows. These new notions generalize crystalline representations of \'etale fundamental groups introduced in [7,10] and periodic Higgs-de Rham flows introduced in [19]. We establish an equivalence between the categories of projective crystalline representations and twisted periodic Higgs-de Rham flows via the category of twisted Fontaine-Faltings module which is also introduced in this paper. {\bf 2.}We study the base change of these objects over very ramified valuation rings and show that a stable periodic Higgs bundle gives rise to a geometrically absolutely irreducible crystalline representation. {\bf 3.} We investigate the dynamic of self-maps induced by the Higgs-de Rham flow on the moduli spaces of rank-2 stable Higgs bundles of degree 1 on $\mathbb{P}^1$ with logarithmic structure on marked points $D:=\{x_1,\,...,x_n\}$ for $n\geq 4$ and construct infinitely many geometrically absolutely irreducible $\mathrm{PGL_2}(\mathbb Z_p^{\mathrm{ur}})$-crystalline representations of $\pi_1^\text{et}(\mathbb{P}^1_{{\mathbb{Q}}_p^\text{ur}}\setminus D)$. We find an explicit formula of the self-map for the case $\{0,\,1,\,\infty,\,\lambda\}$ and conjecture that a Higgs bundle is periodic if and only if the zero of the Higgs field is the image of a torsion point in the associated elliptic curve $\mathcal{C}_\lambda$ defined by $ y^2=x(x-1)(x-\lambda)$ with the order coprime to $p$.
