

A sharp quantitative version of Alexandrov's theorem via the method of moving planes

Luigi VezzoniGiulio Ciraolo


Mathematics - Differential GeometrySoap bubbleMean curvatureOscillationApplied MathematicsGeneral Mathematics010102 general mathematicsConcentricSurface (topology)53C20 53C21 (Primary) 35B50 35B51 (Secondary)01 natural sciencesAlexandrov Soap Bubble Theorem method of moving planes stability mean curvature pinching.CombinatoricsHypersurfaceMathematics - Analysis of PDEsDifferential Geometry (math.DG)Settore MAT/05 - Analisi Matematica0103 physical sciencesFOS: Mathematics010307 mathematical physicsDiffeomorphism0101 mathematicsMathematicsAnalysis of PDEs (math.AP)


We prove the following quantitative version of the celebrated Soap Bubble Theorem of Alexandrov. Let $S$ be a $C^2$ closed embedded hypersurface of $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$, $n\geq1$, and denote by $osc(H)$ the oscillation of its mean curvature. We prove that there exists a positive $\varepsilon$, depending on $n$ and upper bounds on the area and the $C^2$-regularity of $S$, such that if $osc(H) \leq \varepsilon$ then there exist two concentric balls $B_{r_i}$ and $B_{r_e}$ such that $S \subset \overline{B}_{r_e} \setminus B_{r_i}$ and $r_e -r_i \leq C \, osc(H)$, with $C$ depending only on $n$ and upper bounds on the surface area of $S$ and the $C^2$ regularity of $S$. Our approach is based on a quantitative study of the method of moving planes and the quantitative estimate on $r_e-r_i$ we obtain is optimal. As a consequence of this theorem, we also prove that if $osc(H)$ is small then $S$ is diffeomorphic to a sphere and give a quantitative bound which implies that $S$ is $C^1$-close to a sphere.
