

La normativa europea sui prodotti pensionistici individuali paneuropei tra regolazione del mercato e automatizzazione dei servizi finanziari (Il Reg. UE 2019/1238 del 20 giugno 2019 e la sua attuazione ad opera del d.lgs. 2 agosto 2022, n. 114)

Giorgio Mattarella


pan-European Personal Pension Product financial market regulatory arbitrage financial inclusion


The essay comments on the recent European legislation on a pan-European Personal Pension Product which aims to remedy the poor development of the market for these products also in the light of the welfare state's crisis. The essay criticizes some choices of the European legislator as they contrast with the objective of creating a single competitive market for pan-European individual pension products; the choices of the regulation on the protection of savers are also criticized, and finally the essay assume that as a consequence of the choices of the European legislator intermediaries will bear the costs of financial inclusion.
