

Charge Symmetry Breaking in dd->4He{\pi}0 with WASA-at-COSY

Wasa-at-cosy CollaborationP. AdlarsonW. AugustyniakW. BardanM. BashkanovF. S. BergmannM. BerłowskiH. BhattA. BondarM. BüscherH. CalénI. CiepałH. ClementD. CoderreE. CzerwińskiK. DemmichE. DoroshkevichR. EngelsA. ErvenW. ErvenW. EyrichP. FedoretsK. FöhlK. FranssonF. GoldenbaumP. GoslawskiA. GoswamiK. GrigoryevC. -O. GullströmC. HanhartF. HauensteinL. HeijkenskjöldV. HejnyB. HöistadN. HüskenL. JarczykT. JohanssonB. KamysG. KemmerlingF. A. KhanA. KhoukazD. A. KirillovS. KistrynH. KleinesB. KłosW. KrzemieńP. KulessaA. KupśćA. KuzminK. LalwaniD. LerschB. LorentzA. MagieraR. MaierP. MarciniewskiB. MariańskiM. MikirtychiantsH. -P. MorschP. MoskalH. OhmI. OzerianskaE. Perez Del RioN. M. PiskunovP. PodkopałD. PrasuhnA. PrickingD. PszczelK. PyszA. PyszniakC. F. RedmerJ. RitmanA. RoyZ. RudyS. SawantS. SchadmandT. SefzickV. SerdyukB. ShwartzR. SiudakT. SkorodkoM. SkurzokJ. SmyrskiV. SopovR. StassenJ. StepaniakE. StephanG. SterzenbachH. StockhorstH. StröherA. SzczurekA. TäschnerA. TrzcińskiR. VarmaM. WolkeA. WrońskaP. WüstnerP. WurmA. YamamotoL. YurevJ. ZabierowskiM. J. ZielińskiA. ZinkJ. ZłomańczukP. ŻUprańskiM. ŻUrek


Nuclear TheoryNuclear ExperimentNuclear Experiment


Charge symmetry breaking (CSB) observables are a suitable experimental tool to examine effects induced by quark masses on the nuclear level. Previous high precision data from TRIUMF and IUCF are currently used to develop a consistent description of CSB within the framework of chiral perturbation theory. In this work the experimental studies on the reaction dd->4He{\pi}0 have been extended towards higher excess energies in order to provide information on the contribution of p-waves in the final state. For this, an exclusive measurement has been carried out at a beam momentum of p=1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. The total cross section amounts to sigma(tot) = (118 +- 18(stat) +- 13(sys) +- 8(ext)) pb and first data on the differential cross section are consistent with s-wave pion production.
