

Transports et offre scolaire : arbitrages à revoir...

Christine Leroy-audouinAlain Mingat


ArbitrageÉtablissement d'enseignementTransport scolaire[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationOffre d'éducationÉducationFranceCarte scolaireEnseignement primaireZone rurale


The paper examines the tradeoffs that can exist in rural settings between the supply of classes and that of pupils transportations. A conclusion is that in the current circumstances, it could preferable to extend the number of villages in which the school is organised (via multigrade teaching) while reducing the number of pupils using busses. Since the operation cost of schools are born mostly by the State while the financing of bussing is born by the local communities, the paper opens a discussion on the balance of the financing between the two bodies.
