

A Preliminary Analysis of a New Chandra Observation (ObsID 6148) of Cir X-1

R. IariaA. D'aíT. Di SalvoG. LavagettoL. BurderiN. R. RobbaYe-fei YuanXiang-dong LiDong Lai


PhysicsX-ray binaries Accretion and accretion disks Neutron stars Distances redshifts radial velocities; spatial distribution of galaxies Black holesX-ray binaries Accretion and accretion disks Neutron stars Distances redshifts radial velocitieGaussianX-ray binaryAstronomyAstrophysicsRedshiftPreliminary analysisRed shiftNeutron starsymbols.namesakeSettore FIS/05 - Astronomia E AstrofisicasymbolsSpectral analysisEmission spectrumspatial distribution of galaxies Black holes


We present the preliminary spectral analysis of a 25 ks long Chandra observation of the peculiar source Cir X–1 near the periastron passage. We estimate more precise coordinates of the source compatible with the optical and radio counterpart coordinates. We detect emission lines associated to Mg XII, Si XIII, Si XIV, S XV, S XVI Ar XVII, Ar XVIII, Ca XIX, Ca XX, Fe XXV, Fe XXVI showing a redshift of 470 km s−1. The more intense emission features at 6.6 keV show a double‐peaked shape that can be modelled with two or three Gaussian lines.
