Global burden of chronic respiratory diseases and risk factors, 1990-2019: an update from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Sara MomtazmaneshSahar Saeedi MoghaddamSeyyed-hadi GhamariElaheh Malakan RadNegar RezaeiParnian ShobeiriAmirali AaliMohsen Abbasi-kangevariZeinab Abbasi-kangevariMichael AbdelmassehMeriem AbdounDeldar Morad AbdulahAbu Yousuf Md AbdullahAidin AbediHassan AbolhassaniZahra Abrehdari-tafreshiBasavaprabhu AchappaDenberu Eshetie Adane AdaneTigist Demssew AdaneIsaac Yeboah AddoMohammad AdnanQorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah AdnaniSajjad AhmadAli AhmadiKeivan AhmadiAli AhmedAyman AhmedTarik Ahmed RashidHanadi Al HamadFares AlahdabAstawus AlemayehuSheikh Mohammad AlifSyed Mohamed AljunidSami AlmustanyirKhalid A. AltirkawiNelson Alvis-guzmanJavad Aminian DehkordiMehrdad Amir-behghadamiRobert AncuceanuCatalina Liliana AndreiTudorel AndreiCatherine M. AntonyAnayochukwu Edward AnyasodorJalal ArablooJudie ArulappanTahira AshrafSeyyed Shamsadin AthariEngi F. AttiaMeshesha Tsegazeab AyeleSina AzadnajafabadAbraham Samuel BabuSara BagheriehOvidiu Constantin BaltatuMaciej BanachMainak BardhanFrancesco Barone-adesiAmadou BarrowSaurav BasuNebiyou Simegnew BayileyegnIsabela M. BensenorNikha BhardwajPankaj BhardwajAjay Nagesh BhatKrittika BhattacharyyaSouad BouaoudDejana BraithwaiteMichael BrauerMuhammad Hammad ButtZahid A. ButtDaniela CalinaLuis Alberto CámeraGashaw Sisay ChaniePeriklis CharalampousVijay Kumar ChattuOdgerel Chimed-ochirDinh-toi ChuAaron J. CohenNatália Cruz-martinsOmid DadrasAso Mohammad DarweshSaswati DasSisay Abebe DebelaLaura Delgado-ortizDiriba DerejeMostafa DianatinasabNancy DiaoDaniel DiazLankamo Ena DigesaGebisa DirirsaPaul Narh DokuDeepa DongarwarAbdel DouiriHaneil Larson DsouzaEbrahim EiniMichael EkholuenetaleTemitope Cyrus EkundayoAhmed Elabbas Mustafa ElagaliMuhammed ElhadiDaniel Berhanie EnyewRyenchindorj ErkhembayarFarshid EtaeeAdeniyi Francis FagbamigbeAndre FaroAli FatehizadehGinenus FekaduIrina FilipFlorian FischerMasoud ForoutanRichard Charles FranklinPeter Andras GaalSantosh GaihreAbduzhappar GaipovMesfin GebrehiwotUrge GeremaMotuma Erena GetachewTamiru GetachewMansour GhafourifardReza GhanbariAhmad GhashghaeeAli GholamiArtyom Urievich GilMahaveer GolechhaPouya GoleijDavide GolinelliHabtamu Alganeh GuadieBhawna GuptaSapna GuptaVeer Bala GuptaVivek Kumar GuptaMostafa HadeiRabih HalwaniAsif HanifArief HargonoMehdi HaroraniRisky Kusuma HartonoHamidreza HasaniAbdiwahab HashiSimon I. HayMohammad HeidariMerel E. HellemonsClaudiu HerteliuRamesh HollaNobuyuki HoritaMohammad HoseiniMehdi HosseinzadehJunjie HuangSalman HussainBing-fang HwangIvo IavicoliSegun Emmanuel IbitoyeSufyan IbrahimOlayinka Stephen IlesanmiIrena M. IlicMilena D. IlicMustapha ImmuranaNahlah Elkudssiah IsmailLinda Merin JMihajlo JakovljevicElham JamshidiManthan Dilipkumar JanodiaTahereh JavaheriSathish Kumar JayapalShubha JayaramRavi Prakash JhaOlatunji JohnsonTamas JooNitin JosephJacek Jerzy JozwiakVaishali KBillingsley KaambwaZubair KabirLaleh R. KalankeshRohollah KalhorHimal KandelShama D. KaranthIbraheem M. KarayeBekalu Getnet KassaGizat M. KassieLeila Keikavoosi-araniMohammad KeykhaeiHimanshu KhajuriaImteyaz A. KhanMoien A. B. KhanYusra H. KhanHaneen KhreisMin Seo KimAdnan KisaSezer KisaLuke D. KnibbsPavel KolkhirSomayeh KomakiFarzad KompaniHamid Reza KoohestaniAli KoolivandOleksii KorzhAi KoyanagiKewal KrishanKris J. KrohnNaveen KumarNithin KumarOm P. KurmiAmbily KuttikkattuCarlo La VecchiaJudit LámQing LanSavita LasradoKamaluddin LatiefPaolo LauriolaSang-woong LeeYo Han LeeSamson Mideksa LegesseJacopo LenziMing-chieh LiRo-ting LinGang LiuWei LiuChun-han LoLászló LorenzoviciYifei LuSoundarya MahalingamElham MahmoudiNarayan B. MahotraMohammad-reza MalekpourAhmad Azam MalikTauqeer Hussain MallhiDeborah Carvalho MaltaBorhan MansouriElezebeth MathewsSazan Qadir MauludEnkeleint A. MechiliEntezar Mehrabi NasabRitesh G. MenezesDechasa Adare MengistuAlexios-fotios MentisMahboobeh MeshkatTomislav MestrovicAna Carolina Micheletti Gomide Nogueira De SáErkin M. MirrakhimovAwoke MisganawPrasanna MithraJavad MoghadasiEsmaeil MohammadiMokhtar MohammadiMarita MohammadshahiShafiu MohammedSyam MohanNagabhishek MokaLorenzo MonastaMohammad Ali MoniMd MoniruzzamanFateme MontazeriMaryam MoradiEbrahim MostafaviChristine Mpundu-kaambwaEfrén Murillo-zamoraChristopher J. L. MurrayTapas Sadasivan NairVinay NangiaSreenivas Narasimha SwamyAparna Ichalangod NarayanaZuhair S. NattoBiswa Prakash NayakWogene Wogene NegashEvangelia NenaSandhya Neupane KandelRobina Khan NiaziAntonio Tolentino Nogueira De SáAli NowrooziChimezie Igwegbe NzoputamOgochukwu Janet NzoputamBogdan OanceaRahman Md ObaidurOluwakemi Ololade OdukoyaHassan Okati-aliabadAkinkunmi Paul OkekunleOsaretin Christabel OkonjiAndrew T. OlagunjuAhmed Omar BaliSergej M. OstojicMahesh P. AAlicia Padron-monederoJagadish Rao PadubidriMohammad Taha Pahlevan FallahyTamás PaliczAdrian PanaEun-kee ParkJay PatelRajan PaudelUttam PaudelPaolo PedersiniMarcos PereiraRenato B. PereiraIonela-roxana PetcuMajid PirestaniMaarten J. PostmaAkila PrashantMohammad RabieeAmir RadfarSima RafieiFakher RahimMohammad Hifz Ur RahmanMosiur RahmanMuhammad Aziz RahmanAmir Masoud RahmaniShayan RahmaniVahid RahmanianPrashant RajputJuwel RanaChythra R. RaoSowmya J. RaoSina RashediMohammad-mahdi RashidiZubair Ahmed RatanDavid Laith RawafSalman RawafLal RawalReza RawassizadehMohammad Sadegh RazeghiniaElrashdy Moustafa Mohamed RedwanMaryam RezaeiNazila RezaeiNima RezaeiMohsen RezaeianMónica RodriguesJefferson Antonio Buendia RodriguezLeonardo RoeverDavid Rojas-ruedaKristina E. RuddAly M. A. SaadSiamak SabourBasema SaddikErfan SadeghiMasoumeh SadeghiUmar SaeedMaryam SahebazzamaniAmirhossein SahebkarHarihar SahooMirza Rizwan SajidSateesh SakhamuriSana SalehiAbdallah M. SamyMilena M. Santric-milicevicBruno Piassi Sao JoseBrijesh SathianMaheswar SatpathyGanesh Kumar SayaSubramanian SenthilkumaranAllen SeylaniSaeed ShahabiMasood Ali ShaikhMohd ShanawazMohammed ShannawazRahim Ali SheikhiShashank ShekharMigbar Mekonnen SibhatColin R. SimpsonJasvinder A. SinghParamdeep SinghSurjit SinghValentin Yurievich SkryabinAnna Aleksandrovna SkryabinaMohammad Sadegh Soltani-zangbarSuhang SongIreneous N. SoyiriPaschalis SteiropoulosLeo StockfeltJing SunKen TakahashiIman M. TalaatKer-kan TanNathan Y. TatVivian Y. TatBirhan Tsegaw TayePugazhenthan ThangarajuRekha ThaparFriedrich ThienemannAmir TiyuriMai Thi Ngoc TranJaya Prasad TripathyLorainne Tudor CarBiruk Shalmeno TusaIrfan UllahSana UllahMarco VacantePascual R. ValdezRohollah ValizadehJob F. M. Van BovenTommi Juhani VasankariSiavash VaziriFrancesco S. ViolanteBay VoNing WangMelissa Y. WeiRonny WestermanNuwan Darshana WickramasingheSuowen XuXiaoyue XuLalit YadavYazachew YismawDong Keon YonNaohiro YonemotoChuanhua YuYong YuIsmaeel YunusaMazyar ZahirMoein ZangiabadianZahra ZareshahrabadiArmin ZarrintanMikhail Sergeevich ZastrozhinZelalem Banjaw ZegeyeYunquan ZhangMohsen NaghaviBagher LarijaniFarshad Farzadfarsubject
Pulmonary emphysemaLung disease;MorbidityEpidemiologyChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseInterstitial lung diseaseGeneral MedicinePneumoconiosiAsthmaSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingMortality; PneumoconiosisLung diseasePneumoconiosisMorbidityMortalitydescription
Background: Updated data on chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) are vital in their prevention, control, and treatment in the path to achieving the third UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a one-third reduction in premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by 2030. We provided global, regional, and national estimates of the burden of CRDs and their attributable risks from 1990 to 2019.Methods: Using data from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019, we estimated mortality, years lived with disability, years of life lost, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), prevalence, and incidence of CRDs, i.e. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pneumoconiosis, interstitial lung disease and pulmonary sarcoidosis, and other CRDs, from 1990 to 2019 by sex, age, region, and Socio-demographic Index (SDI) in 204 countries and territories. Deaths and DALYs from CRDs attributable to each risk factor were estimated according to relative risks, risk exposure, and the theoretical minimum risk exposure level input. Findings: In 2019, CRDs were the third leading cause of death responsible for 4.0 million deaths (95% uncertainty interval 3.6–4.3) with a prevalence of 454.6 million cases (417.4–499.1) globally. While the total deaths and prevalence of CRDs have increased by 28.5% and 39.8%, the age-standardised rates have dropped by 41.7% and 16.9% from 1990 to 2019, respectively. COPD, with 212.3 million (200.4–225.1) prevalent cases, was the primary cause of deaths from CRDs, accounting for 3.3 million (2.9–3.6) deaths. With 262.4 million (224.1–309.5) prevalent cases, asthma had the highest prevalence among CRDs. The age-standardised rates of all burden measures of COPD, asthma, and pneumoconiosis have reduced globally from 1990 to 2019. Nevertheless, the age-standardised rates of incidence and prevalence of interstitial lung disease and pulmonary sarcoidosis have increased throughout this period. Low- and low-middle SDI countries had the highest age-standardised death and DALYs rates while the high SDI quintile had the highest prevalence rate of CRDs. The highest deaths and DALYs from CRDs were attributed to smoking globally, followed by air pollution and occupational risks. Non-optimal temperature and high body-mass index were additional risk factors for COPD and asthma, respectively.Interpretation: Albeit the age-standardised prevalence, death, and DALYs rates of CRDs have decreased, they still cause a substantial burden and deaths worldwide. The high death and DALYs rates in low and low-middle SDI countries highlights the urgent need for improved preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic measures. Global strategies for tobacco control, enhancing air quality, reducing occupational hazards, and fostering clean cooking fuels are crucial steps in reducing the burden of CRDs, especially in low- and lower-middle income countries. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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2023-05-01 |