

Latest results from CUPID-0

Guido FantiniO. AzzoliniJ.w. BeemanF. BelliniM. BerettaM. BiassoniC. BrofferioC. BucciS. CapelliV. CaraccioloL. CardaniP. CarnitiN. CasaliE. CeliD. ChiesaM. ClemenzaI. ColantoniO. CremonesiA. CrucianiA. D’addabboI. DafineiS. DidomizioV. DompèF. FerroniL. GironiA. GiulianiP. GorlaC. GottiG. KeppelJ. KotilaM. MartinezS. NagornyM. NastasiS. NisiC. NonesD. OrlandiL. PagnaniniM. PallaviciniL. PattavinaM. PavanG. PessinaV. PettinacciS. PirroS. PozziE. PrevitaliA. PuiuA. RessaC. RusconiK. SchäffnerC. TomeiM. VignatiA.s. Zolotarova


backgroundSettore FIS/04scintillation counter cryogenicstutkimuslaitteetdouble-beta decay[PHYS.NEXP]Physics [physics]/Nuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]hiukkasfysiikkaBayesiandecay modescrystalilmaisimetdetector upgrade[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]spectralground stateydinfysiikkacalorimeter cryogenicsCUPID-0 Double beta decay cryogenic calorimeters scintillation exotic decay modes


International audience; CUPID-0 is a pilot experiment in scintillating cryogenic calorimetry for the search of neutrino-less double beta decay. 26 ZnSe crystals were operated continuously in the first project phase (March 2017 - December 2018), demonstrating unprecedented low levels of background in the region of interest at the Q-value of $^{82}\rm{Se}$. From this successful experience comes a demonstration of full alpha to beta/gamma background separation, the most stringent limits on the $^{82}\rm{Se}$ neutrino-less double beta decay, as well as the most precise measurement of the $^{82}$Se half-life. After a detector upgrade, CUPID-0 began its second and last phase (June 2019 - February 2020). We present the latest results on the neutrino-less double beta decay of $^{82}\rm{Se}$ with the full isotope exposure of $8.82~\rm{kg}\times\rm{yr}$. We set a lower bound to the ground state half life $\rm{T}_{1/2}( ^{82}\rm{Se})>4.6\times10^{24}$ yr (90 % C.I.). We review the most recent results from a Bayesian search for spectral distortions to the $^{82}\rm{Se}$ double-beta decay spectrum due to exotic decay modes.
