

Trabajo cooperativo en grupos de tutorías de Aditivos Alimentarios

Francesc Albert Esteve Turrillas


Innovación educativaEvaluaciónAprendizaje cooperativoPuzle de AronsonEducación superiorTrabajo en grupoAditivos alimentariosEnseñanza superiorTecnologías y educación


[EN] In the present communication an strategy based on the Puzzle of Aronson has been applied to promote the cooperation in working groups in the tutorials of Food Additives course of the Degree in Science and Food Technology in the University of Valencia. This tool allows the training of transversal skills in the classroom such as: social and communication skills, decision making, and conflict resolution. A rubric has been applied to evaluate the cooperative work process and the obtained results have been discussed. Finally, we include data on the student satisfaction with the proposed activity through the completion of a survey.
