

A new CdTe/ZnO columnar composite film for Eta-solar cells

I. MoraA. KattyClaude Lévy-clémentVicente Muñoz-sanjoséF. ZeniaStéphane Bastide


NanocompositeMaterials sciencebusiness.industryNanotechnologyCondensed Matter PhysicsEpitaxyAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsCadmium telluride photovoltaicsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsSemiconductorOptoelectronicsDirect and indirect band gapsCrystalliteThin filmbusinessLayer (electronics)


Abstract First results of CdTe deposition on ZnO films consisting of free standing single crystalline columns of several micrometers height and ∼100– 200 nm diameter are presented. The ZnO films have been obtained by electrochemical deposition on conductive glass. Morphology, structural and optical properties of the nanostructured columnar CdTe/ZnO composite films have been studied. The cadmium telluride ( 40 nm thick) deposited by vapor-phase epitaxy under dynamical vacuum is lining the ZnO columns as a continuous smooth thin film with conformal coverage. The polycrystalline CdTe layer is a mixture of cubic and hexagonal phases and is semiconductor with a direct band gap optical transition of 1.56 eV . The nanocomposite CdTe/ZnO film shows strong light trapping effect and has considerable potential for use in photoelectric thin film devices.
