Stéphane Bastide
ZnO/CdTe/CuSCN, a promising heterostructure to act as inorganic eta-solar cell
Abstract The ZnO/CdTe/CuSCN heterostructure was analyzed as a candidate to act as an inorganic eta -solar cell. A ZnO film consisting of single crystal nanocolumns was electrodeposited on a transparent conducting substrate which acts as n-type material. As absorber material we used CdTe, which was deposited on the ZnO columnar film by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition. In order to complete the eta -solar cell we deposited a CuSCN layer by chemical solution deposition. A conformal and uniform CdTe coverage of the ZnO columns was achieved, producing a very efficient light trapping effect. The effective absorption (∼87%) and effective reflectance (∼10%) of the complete heterostructure in…
Fabrication and characterization of ZnO nanowires/CdSe/CuSCN eta-solar cell
Des cellules solaires extremely thin absorber (eta) ZnO/CdSe/CuSCN a base de nanofils de ZnO ont ete realisees avec succes en utilisant des techniques faciles d'acces de depot en solution et par voie electrochimique. Une couche constituee de nanofils de ZnO monocristallin de plusieurs microns de hauteur et de 100-200 nm de diametre a ete deposee sur un substrat de verre conducteur (SnO 2 :F) recouvert d'une couche de ZnO formee par pyrolyse de spray agissant comme couche electronique bloquante. Une couche mince de 30-40 nm de CdSe jouant le role d'un absorbeur a ete electrodeposee de maniere conforme le long des nanofils de ZnO. Les espaces entre les nanofils composite de ZnO/CdSe ont ete r…
A new CdTe/ZnO columnar composite film for Eta-solar cells
Abstract First results of CdTe deposition on ZnO films consisting of free standing single crystalline columns of several micrometers height and ∼100– 200 nm diameter are presented. The ZnO films have been obtained by electrochemical deposition on conductive glass. Morphology, structural and optical properties of the nanostructured columnar CdTe/ZnO composite films have been studied. The cadmium telluride ( 40 nm thick) deposited by vapor-phase epitaxy under dynamical vacuum is lining the ZnO columns as a continuous smooth thin film with conformal coverage. The polycrystalline CdTe layer is a mixture of cubic and hexagonal phases and is semiconductor with a direct band gap optical transition…