

Electron Fabry-Perot interferometer with two entangled magnetic impurities

Michelangelo ZarconeYasser OmarVítor R. VieiraG. M. PalmaFrancesco Ciccarello


Statistics and ProbabilityQUANTUM WIRESQuantum decoherenceSpin statesFOS: Physical sciencesGeneral Physics and AstronomyElectron01 natural sciences010305 fluids & plasmasMesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall)0103 physical sciencesSCATTERINGSinglet state010306 general physicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsCoupling constantINTERFERENCEQuantum PhysicsCondensed matter physicsCondensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale PhysicsScatteringStatistical and Nonlinear Physics3. Good healthModeling and SimulationCondensed Matter::Strongly Correlated ElectronsQuantum Physics (quant-ph)Electron scatteringStationary state


We consider a one-dimensional (1D) wire along which single conduction electrons can propagate in the presence of two spin-1/2 magnetic impurities. The electron may be scattered by each impurity via a contact-exchange interaction and thus a spin-flip generally occurs at each scattering event. Adopting a quantum waveguide theory approach, we derive the stationary states of the system at all orders in the electron-impurity exchange coupling constant. This allows us to investigate electron transmission for arbitrary initial states of the two impurity spins. We show that for suitable electron wave vectors, the triplet and singlet maximally entangled spin states of the impurities can respectively largely inhibit the electron transport or make the wire completely transparent for any electron spin state. In the latter case, a resonance condition can always be found, representing an anomalous behaviour compared to typical decoherence induced by magnetic impurities. We provide an explanation for these phenomena in terms of the Hamiltonian symmetries. Finally, a scheme to generate maximally entangled spin states of the two impurities via electron scattering is proposed.
