

Expressing Professional Identity through Blogging - A Case Study of Blogging in the Study of the Subject of Norwegian in Pre-School Teacher Education

Gro-renée RambøGunhild Kvåle


Pre-schoolteachereducationSubject (philosophy)Pre-school teacher educationIdentity (social science)NorwegianbloggingLTeacher educationEthical competencelanguage.human_languageComputer Science ApplicationsEducationprofessionalidentityInformation and Communications TechnologyPedagogylanguageComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDSOCIETYPre schoolSociologyprofessional identityAffordance


Abstract This article shows how blogging was used in a course in Norwegian in pre-school teacher education, and investigates how professional identity was expressed in the blogs. We investigate the students’ use of the affordances of the blog medium, and connect their expressions to the five competencies of pre-school teachers expressed in the Norwegian framework plan for this education (subject, didactic, social, developmental and ethical competence). Connections between professional identity, subject content and uses of ICT are thus drawn up.
