

Nonclassical correlations in superconducting circuits

Luis L. Sánchez-sotoM. ScalaM. ScalaAntonino MessinaRosanna MiglioreM. Guccione


PhysicsQuantum discordQuantum mechanicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum entanglementNonclassical lightW stateQuantum informationCondensed Matter PhysicsSquashed entanglementMultipartite entanglementSudden deathElectronic Optical and Magnetic Materials


A key step on the road map to solid-state quantum information processing (and to a deeper understanding of many counterintuitive aspects of quantum mechanics) is the generation and manipulation of nonclassical correlations between different quantum systems. Within this framework, we analyze the possibility of generating maximally entangled states in a system of two superconducting flux qubits, as well as the effect of their own environments on the entanglement dynamics. The analysis reported here confirms that the phenomena of sudden birth and sudden death of the entanglement do not depend on the particular measure of the entanglement adopted.
