

Cristianesimo e modernità politica. il problema teologico-politico nell'ultimo Kant



I. Kant Christianity Modernity political Theology


In this paper I will analyse the religious issue in the late Kantian work. I argue that Kant’s reflections on Christianity have to be strictly connected with those on law and history. This connection lead us to the political theological problem which is crucial in the case of Hegel as well. In the Encyclopedia Hegel explicitly takes inspiration from Kant who thinks that the problem of that age is the relation between religion and law. That is why Kant cannot be considered a liberal thinker because religion is not a mere private question for him but it has a public importance within his modern conception of history. In this sense, I also argue that Kant’s judg-ment on Christianity is more negative than that of Hegel who attributes a more positive value to religious beliefs in the history of Spirit.
