

New results on mesonic weak decay of p-shell Lambda-hypernuclei

M. AgnelloA. AndronenkovG. BeerL. BenussiM. BertaniH. C. BhangG. BonomiE. BottaM. BregantT. BressaniS. BufalinoL. BussoD. CalvoB. DalenaF. De MoriG. D'erasmoF. L. FabbriA. FelicielloA. FilippiE. M. FioreCA. FontanaH. FujiokaP. GenovaP. GianottiN. GrionO. HartmannB. KangLentiV. LucheriniV. ManzariS. MarcelloT. MarutaN. MirfakhraiP. MontagnaO. MorraT. NagaeD. NakajimaH. OutaE. PaceM. PalombaA. PantaleoA. PanzarasaV. PaticchioS. PianoF. PompiliA. Sanchez LorenteM. SekimotoG. SimonettiA. ToyodaR. WheadonA. ZenoniA. GalPaolo CameriniRinaldo Rui


PhysicsGround-state spin assignmentNuclear and High Energy Physicsp-Shell Lambda-hypernuclei; Mesonic decayNuclear Theorylambda hypernuclei; mesonic decaylambda hypernucleiHypernucleusMesonic decaySpectral linemesonic decayPionmedicine.anatomical_structurep-Shell Lambda-hypernucleimedicineHigh Energy Physics::Experimentp-Shell Λ-hypernucleiAtomic physicsMagnetic analysisNuclear ExperimentNuclear ExperimentNucleus


The FINUDA experiment performed a systematic study of the charged mesonic weak decay channel of $p$-shell $\Lambda$-hypernuclei. Negatively charged pion spectra from mesonic decay were measured with magnetic analysis for the first time for ${^{7}_{\Lambda}Li}$, ${^{9}_{\Lambda}Be}$, ${^{11}_{\Lambda}B}$ and ${^{15}_{\Lambda}N}$. The shape of the $\pi^{-}$ spectra was interpreted through a comparison with pion distorted wave calculations that take into account the structure of both hypernucleus and daughter nucleus. Branching ratios $\Gamma_{\pi^{-}}/\Gamma_{tot}$ were derived from the measured spectra and converted to $\pi^{-}$ decay rates $\Gamma_{\pi^{-}}$ by means of known or extrapolated total decay widths $\Gamma_{tot}$ of $p$-shell $\Lambda$-hypernuclei. Based on these measurements, the spin-parity assignment $1/2^+$ for ${^{7}_{\Lambda}Li}$ and $5/2^+$ for ${^{11}_{\Lambda}B}$ ground-state are confirmed and a spin-parity $3/2^+$ for ${^{15}_{\Lambda}N}$ ground-state is assigned for the first time.
