

Direct mass measurement of N $\sim$ Z nuclei with A = 64–80 using the CSS2 cyclotron

M. RousseauM. B. Gomez HornillosAlinka Lepine-szilyN. A. OrrGeorgi P. GeorgievP. Roussel-chomazG. PolitiL Caballero OntanayaA. C. C. VillariC. E. DemonchyMarielle ChartierW. Mittig


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsSpectrometer010308 nuclear & particles physicsCyclotron[PHYS.NEXP]Physics [physics]/Nuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]Finite range7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesMass measurementAtomic masslaw.inventionNuclear physicslaw0103 physical sciencesNuclide010306 general physicsNuclear ExperimentLine (formation)


International audience; The masses of ten neutron-deficient nuclides near the N = Z line with A = 64–80 have been measured with the direct time-of-flight technique using the CSS2 cyclotron as a high-resolution spectrometer. All measured masses agree with the 2003 atomic mass evaluation and are compared to the predictions of the finite range droplet model. The atomic mass excesses obtained for $^{68}$Se and $^{80}$Y are -53.958(246) MeV and -60.971(180) MeV, respectively. The new results for $^{68}$Se and $^(80}$Y are compared to other recent experimental values.
